Ethical Dilemmas in teaching
Beginning teacher’s worries
Ethical Dilemmas in Teaching
Ethical Dilemma * Ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another.
* Conflict between two or more ethical principles/standards. * Also known as moral dilemmas. These are situations in which there are two choices to be made, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable fashion.
* It is a choice between two or more course of action, when obstacles on each sidehinder the decision asto which course was to pursue. (Berlak, 1981)
An ethical dilemma is not designed to be an easy choice. In fact there is no wrong answer when dealing with an ethical dilemma. As an example, imagine you were the principal of your school and had to decide whether to use a limited set of funds to continue either the honors program or the program for at-risk students. The choice is difficult, but neither option is explicitly wrong or immoral.
Types of Ethical Dilemmas in Teaching 1. Confidentiality versus School Rules
This category depicts the dilemma between a teacher’s desire to be discreet and the obligation to obey school rules. Teachers’ workoften includes confidentiality issues. When pupils confide in a teacher, they create a dilemma for the teacher whether to betraythat trust or not.
2. Distributive justice and School standards
It refers to the fairness of outcomes, as when teachers use principles such as equity to evaluate the justness or unjustness of outcomes. This is the case when teachers must decide whether to focus on one needy pupil or on all pupils equally.