He is also the person who damns her because she wouldn't say who her lover was when really it was him. Thats when the secret guilt inside of Dimmesdale started. It got so bad to where he started to scourge himself with wips. He eventually becomes very ill because of this overwhelming guilt that he has and breaks down to Hester and tells her that he can’t go one the way he is. Eventually Dimmesdale reveals to everyone the truth about him and Hester and their secret affair. Most people just inferred that Dimmesdale would never do anything like this and didn't even think to question him. Unlike Ms. Prynne who confronts her guilt and shame early on in the story, Dimmesdale holds onto his guilt secretly until he finally goes through a process of, at first blaming Hester, then realizing that it wasn't all her fault, to having such strong guilt that he starts hurting himself, to doubting that he will ever get better, after which he comes out and shows everyone his scarlet letter, this process frees him to come to peace with what he did and accept his guilt and…
Dimmesdale inhabits the shame brought on by religiosity. After sinning twice, first the adultery he commit with Hester and second by lying and hiding the first, Dimmesdale wallows in his own guilt. He begins to have visions of Hester and Pearl pointing out his guilt and of members of the community mocking him. He wishes to stand with Hester and Pearl on the scaffold. He wishes to tell his congregation, "to speak out, from his own pulpit, at the full height of his voice, and tell the people what he was" (125), but he hides this and the guilt gnaws at him. It gnaws at him until…
According to Bruce Granger, who quotes, “The beautiful Hester, who has been wandering morally ever since they sinned together, is now more his enemy than the diabolical Chillingworth” (199). This quote is brought upon by the idea that Dimmesdale becomes lacking in will due to his strong affection for Hester, and ultimately causes Dimmesdale to have a moment in which he attempts to run away from his sin. Even though Dimmesdale wants to escape the pain of his sin by being with the woman he loves, Dimmesdale can not run away from his past and suffers from not being able to be with Hester. Another aspect to support this idea is when Dimmesdale proclaims, “Neither can I any longer live without her companionship; so powerful is she to sustain” (Hawthorne 177). This quote from the Scarlet Letter shows how significant Hester is to Dimmesdale. Dimmesdale is admitting to Hester how much he longs for her and how much he has suffered from being away from Hester. Even though Dimmesdale tells Hester of how much he longs to be with her and Pearl, Dimmesdale still feels the sin chasing after him, when he does not hold Hester’s or Pearl’s hand to walk into town. “Will he go back with us, hand in hand, we three together, into the town?” (Hawthorne 185). Hester helps explain to Pearl that Dimmesdale…
First of all, the major difference between Chillingworth and Dimmesdale’s sins is their motives for doing so. When Dimmesdale has the affair with Hester, although there was no clear motive for doing so, it might have been because of love. With Chillingworth, he was only torturing Dimmesdale as revenge. Dimmesdale never planned on committing a sin like how Chillingworth deliberately planned on sinning because he had been conjuring in his mind a plan on how to…
Roger Chillingworth stated this to Hester, “his spirit lacks the strength that could have borne up, as thine has, beneath a burden like thy scarlet letter” (343). Dimmesdale could preach the consequences of sin, but could neither keep himself from sinning nor own up to his sin. When Hester was put onto the scaffold, Dimmesdale spoke to her directly, as he was directed to do by the magistrates, in an effort to force her to speak of her sinner, and said, “Be not silent from any mistaken pity and tenderness for him...though he were to step down from a high place, and stand there beside thee, on thy pedestal of shame, yet better were it so, than to hide a guilty heart through life...Thy silence ...compel him...to add hypocrisy to sin?” (133). Dimmesdale argued that if her lover were to step down from his high status onto the scaffold beside Hester, it would be better than for him to hide his sin for eternity. Yet, Dimmesdale, the sinner, did not do this. Lastly, Dimmesdale stated when meeting with Hester, “I should long ago have thrown off these garments of mock holiness, and have shown myself to mankind as they will see me at the judgment-seat. Happy are you, Hester, that wear the scarlet letter openly upon your bosom! Mine burns in secret!” (383-385) and ultimately expressed to her…
The pain Dimmesdale went through was clearly depicted in the book and it was obvious that he was getting weaker gradually. Danforth, however, suffered mostly mentally because he had to bear with the decisions he made. Dimmesdale, a God's man and the minister of the town committed a sin. Because he could not confess his wrongdoings, he was forced to punish himself. "In Mr. Dimmesdale's secret closet, under lock and key, there was a bloody scourge." (Hawthorne 141) From this quote it is clear that Dimmesdale tortured himself. He felt guilty for breaking God's law therefore he punished himself causing deterioration in his physical and spiritual condition. As the book progressed, Dimmesdale became weaker. If he did not feel so strongly about God, he would not feel guilty for what he did with Hester and would definitely not harm himself physically. Similar to Dimmesdale, Danforth was also eaten away by his guilt. During the witch-hunt, most of those that were accused were condemned by Danforth. He interpreted laws strictly based on the Bible, however when he realized that those who were condemned were actually innocent, it was too late for him to take back his…
Sometimes, Dimmesdale seems like a coward. However, all he is trying to do is be an admirable pastor to his people, yet Dimmesdale has his unconfessed sins still burdening him. The reader can understand Dimmesdale’s desolation when Dimmesdale found out who Roger Chillingworth really was. As Hawthorne says in The Scarlet Letter, “ The minister looked at her for an instant, with all that violence of passion, which - intermixed in more shapes than one his higher, purer, softer qualities - was, in fact, the portion of him which the devil claimed, and through which he sought to win the rest.” (Hawthorne 214). In that excerpt of the book, the reader can grasp Dimmesdale’s rage. He feels betrayed by Hester because she did not tell him who Roger Chillingworth really was. Dimmesdale is also very upset that even with all of the torture he has put himself through, that he still does not regret his sin. Hawthorne also adds ,” Of penance, I have had enough! Of penitence, there has been none!” (Hawthorne 212) He feels that he has tortured himself enough, but he feels no guilt for his sins. Even though Dimmesdale knows that telling the people his thoughts are erroneous, he still wants everyone to know. In fact, he feels guilty for not saying anything and letting Hester take the fall for the punishment. Hawthorne includes, “ Else, I should long ago have thrown off these garments of mock holiness, and have…
>Dimmesdale is a complete hypocrite. He preaches about resisting sin and temptation, while he can’t even do that himself. He is supposed to be a Puritan Society example, but follows a completely different lifestyle from what he preaches. He should have confessed his sin at the scaffold with Hester right from the start. Although it would still have been shameful, he could have, like Hester, redeemed himself in the eyes of the townspeople. Instead, he confesses everything seven years later, and…
“His form grew more emaciated; his voice, though still rich and sweet, had a certain melancholy prophesy of decay in it; he was often observed, on any sight alarm or sudden accident, to put his hand over his heart, with first a flush and then a paleness, indicative of pain”. Dimmesdale grew sicker and sicker by the day resulting from his guilt. It is this torture that made it obvious to the reader, as well as Chillingworth, that he was Pearl’s father. This is the reason that Chillingworth attended to Dimmesdale everyday till the day he died. Chillingworth was set on revenge and in turn saw the torture Dimmesdale underwent every day. He did not cure Dimmesdale, he merely watched him die slowly inside. The fact that Dimmesdale dies at the end of the story makes it clear that he was suffering far more than either Hester or Chillingworth. While he dies too, it is more because of defeat rather than the inner torture Dimmesdale lives with for so long. He was being consumed in mind and in body by the sin because he was unable to accept it and admit it, despite the pain it…
Everyone in their life goes through guilt and regret, and may have things in common with Dimmesdale. In the excerpt The Characters Reveal the Story’s Meaning from Hawthorne: A Critical Study by Hyatt H. Waggoner, he states “He first descends from his original position as the saintly guide and inspiration of the novel as very nearly the worst of the sinners in his hypocrisy and cowardice.” (Waggoner 74). Readers can learn from Dimmesdale in many ways. From reading the novel, they can see how much damage regret and guilt causes. In The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne states the moral of the story, “Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!” (Hawthorne 286). This quote tells you to be true to yourself and be you. Dimmesdale is a perfect example of this, because he wasn’t true to himself and ended up paying a huge price for his guilt. Everyone knows that lying is a sin, and can have major consequences. Even if you tell your secret, you can still feel guilt after the fact. Dimmesdale is a very relatable character, and readers can understand him the most, as well as learn from him throughout the…
Unfortunately for Dimmesdale, he is unable to escape the unbearable suffering of his shame and does not find it as enlightening as Hester does. Dimmesdale cannot express the truth regarding his actions with Hester and that silence is more shameful than any punishment she receives (Kilborne 473). Hawthorne describes Dimmesdale’s life as:…
Much of the guilt related irony that occurs in the story happens between Dimmesdale and Hester. It is ironic how Dimmesdale has an inner guilt about his adulterous sin although the town thinks of him as an angelic figure in the community. This inner guilt eventually manifests itself in a physical form which can be seen in this quote "A bodily disease, which we look upon as whole and entire within itself, may, after all, be but a symptom of some ailment in the spiritual part." (pg. 141) Also Hester being the one who was humiliated and publicly demised did not suffer as much as Dimmesdale. And quite ironically Hester survives all of the suffering she has gone through because she does not hold on to her guilt and at a point lets go of her guilt. Dimmesdale on the other hand dies of all the guilt that he has held onto this whole…
During the conversation between Hester and the physician, Chillingworth is aware of his continuing torture of Dimmesdale when he says “[Dimmesdale] has been conscious of me. He has felt an influence dwelling always upon him like a curse” (Hawthorne 155). This proves that he enjoys his obsession with the minister. He continues to cold-heartedly torment the frailing Dimmesdale. On the night that Chillingworth sees Dimmesdale’s chest, Chillingworth has a moment of “ecstasy” during which he understands “how Satan comports himself when a precious human soul is lost to heaven” (Hawthorne 126). Chillingworth begins to develop an understanding of the way the devil feels when he successfully tortures his victims in hell. His ability to empathize with Satan explains why Hester and the rest of the town views him as a psychopath. Throughout this section of the book, the ex-husband who was wronged now embodies…
Although Chillingworth moves in with him to help cure, it is clear that no medicine or religion can recover what he is suffering from. Dimmesdale believes that his recovery would be a working process if he admitted to the community but still does not admit to it. He understand that he, like Hester, is a symbol of something larger than himself. In his case he is a symbol of piety and goodness. Chillingworth takes advantage of all of Dimmesdale’s weaknesses. In chapter 11 he has no question about the minister’s quilt. He plans to wreak Dimmesdale emotionally which turns out to be…
Unlike Chillingworth, the other characters of the book experience significant guilt and penance that completely changes who they are. Arthur Dimmesdale, another great sinner, feels considerable guilt and inflicts a course of penance upon himself, even when no one demands it of him. His guilt completely shattered the poor man where "his nerve was absolutely destroyed" and "his moral fierce was abased into more that childish weakness" (Hawthorne, 148). Hester Prynne's guilt also has similar effects as Dimmesdale. "All the light and graceful foliage of her character had been withered up by this red hot brand [scarlet letter]" (Hawthorne, 152) revealing the lasting damage that her penance had inflicted on her. Dimmesdale's and Hester's transformation because of their guilt is immense compared to Chillingworth's tiny or no…