Dinosaurs are a diverse group of animals belonging to the family of Dinosauria. The term “dinosaur” originated from the Greek words “deinos” which means fearfully great and “sauros” which means a lizard. The term “dinosaur”, was coined in 1982 by Richard Owen and was meant to refer to dinosaurs’ impressive size rather their scary appearance.
Dinosaurs are considered to be the biggest animals to ever walk on Earth. They lived on every continent, including Antarctica. During the time of dinosaurs, the earth was a lot warmer and the Antarctic region had forests. They also thrived in a lot of various Mesozoic environments such as coastal swamps, forests and deserts.
The dinosaurs from the Mesozoic period have …show more content…
Once a female and male dinosaur arranged themselves in a mating position, the male would need a couple of seconds to deposit his sperm in close proximity to the eggs of the female dinosaur.
Chapter 7: How did Dinosaurs Reproduce? (Reproduction)
Dinosaurs hatched from eggs laid by women following sexual reproduction. The eggs were elongated or round and had brittle, hard shells. Internally, the eggs of dinosaurs were likened to those of primitive mammals, birds and reptiles.
The eggs contained the membrane called amnion, which kept the embryo moist. Some dinosaurs nurtured for their eggs although there are some that just laid them and abandoned them afterwards.
Chapter 8: How did Dinosaurs Behave? (Behavior)
Dinosaur behavior is very challenging to infer since majority of paleontology is based solely on the physical remains of prehistoric life. However, there is a general agreement that some behaviors which are common in birds and crocodiles, dinosaur’s closest living relatives, were also typical among dinosaurs
Chapter 9: How did Dinosaurs Communicate?