
Diphenylethane Percent Yield

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The percent yield of meso-1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane was calculated to be 66.36% and with a melting point of 235.1°C. Therefore, it can be concluded that this experiment was successfully conducted as the percent yield obtained is only 33.64% off from the equilibrium point, and because the melting point met the literature value.
The percent yield for the product was less than 100%, indicating that were experimental errors, such as an undesirable side reaction, or more likely, an incomplete reaction and loss of product. This may have occurred with incorrect filtering, evaporating and transferring of material. Also, some product may have been lost when collecting product for vacuum filtration, as very little acetic acid was used to remove
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Since the percent yield is not 100%, it can be concluded that there are some sources of error that exist for this experiment, such as product being lost and/or the reactants not making it to products. Moreover, the melting point matches the theoretical value, thus the final product formed was successfully diphenylacetylene. However, the percent purity of the reaction is completely out of proportion, hence there are many errors that took place during the UV-vis analysis.
An adequate percent yield was obtained from this experiment, but the relativity low value can be explained by the loss of product transferring and filtering the product. Furthermore, there may have been incomplete crystallization when the reaction mixture was cooled down to room temperature and then chilled in an ice bath. The crystals may have been purified and then filtered with vacuum filtration before all the crystals were formed, which decreased the amount of product
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The synthesis of meso-1,2-dibromo-1,2-diphenylethane was successful as the final product of the experiment had the same physical properties of the theoretical properties, which were determined by TLC and melting point. The synthesis of diphenylacetylene was also successful, as TLC and the melting point both proved its identity, however the UV-vis analysis went awry due to a procedural mistake, making the analysis unusable. The most important learning outcome of Experiment 6 was understanding SN2 and E2

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