“Double Beam’’
Small headed with spatulate or pencil-shaped teeth
Walks on four legs Among the longest land animals
Diplodocus had a long tail which contained around 80 vertebrae. ANATOMY:
Diplodocus was a long-necked, whip-tailed giant, measuring about 90 feet (27 m) long with a 26 foot (8 m) long neck and a 45 foot (14 m) long tail, but its head was less than 2 feet long. It was among the longest land animals ever. Its nostrils were at the top of its head and it had peg-like teeth, but only in the front of the jaws. Its front legs were shorter than its back legs, and all had elephant-like, five-toed feet. One toe on each foot had a thumb claw, probably for protection. A fossilized Diplodocus skin impression reveals that it had a row of spines running down its back.
Photo of Diplodocus gastralia and other bones courtesy of Jim Puckett, using an Olympus 3040 digital camera - taken in the Dinosaur Hall of
"Prehistoric Journey" at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Diplodocus was more lightly built than the other giant sauropods, and may have weighed only about 10-20 tons. Its backbone had extra bones underneath it, which had bony protrusions running both forwards and backwards (anvil shaped), a "double beam", probably for support and extra mobility of its neck and tail. It may have used its whip-like tail for protection. It has been determined that Diplodocus could not hold their necks over about 17 feet (5.4 m) off the ground (Parrish and Stevens,1999).
Gastralia (hanging belly ribs) are thin, fragile ribs that helped support and protect the internal organs (like the lungs) in the middle area of the body. These ribs were not attached to the backbone; they were attached to the skin in the belly area.
Diplodocus was an herbivore (it ate only plants). It must have eaten a tremendous amount of plant material each day to sustain itself. It swallowed leaves whole, without chewing them, and