Yes / Ay-wa/naam
No / La’
Thank you / Shu-kran
No thanks / La shu-kran
Please / Min fadlak / min fadliki (M/F)
Let’s go / Ya-llah
God willing / In-sha-la
Sorry, excuse me / Af-wan, muta’assif
Hello / Salam alaykoom
Hello (in response) / Wa alaykoom salam
Good morning / Sabahh el-kheer
Good morning (in response) / Sabah in-nuwr
Good evening / Massa’ el kheer
Good evening (in response) / Massa’ in-nuwr
Welcome / Ah-hlan wa sah-hlan
Welcome (in response) / Ahh-lan beek/beeki (M/F)
Greetings / Mar-haba
How are you? / Kay fah-lak? / Kay fah-lik? (M/F)
Fine, thank you / Zayn, shu-kran / Zayna, shu-kran (M/F)
Praise God / Al hum-duleh-la
Great / Zay al foll
What’s your name? / Shuw ismak?/Shuw ismik? (M/F)
My name is / Is-mee [your name]
No problem / Mish-mishkella
Where are you from? / Inta min-ayn / Inti min-ayn? (M/F)
I’m from / Anaa min [country]
America / Ame-ri-ki
Britain / Brai-ta-ni
Europe / O-ro-pi
India / Al hind
It’s a pleasure to have met you / Forsa sai-eeda
I’m honored (in response) / Ana as-ad
Goodbye / Ma-salama
Leave it, or Who cares? / Kalli Valli
I understand / Ana fahim/ana fahma (M/F)
I don’t understand / Ana mu fa-him / ana mu fahhma (M/F)
I’m sick / Ana ay-yan / Ana ay-yana
I like / Ana beheb
I don’t like / Ana mabeh-bish
I want / Ana areed
I want to buy / Ana areed an ashtaree
I’m looking for / Ana badowar
What? / Shuw?
Why? / Laysh?
Who? / Meen?
When? / Mata?
Where? / Wayn?
How? / Kayf?
May I? / Mumkin?
Could you please? / Mumkin min fadhlak?
Where is / Wayn al [thing] the grocery store / ba’ala the gas station / mahattat betrol
What does that mean? / Yanni eh?
Where’s the nearest . . . ? / Wayn aghrab?
How do I get to / Ana unzil [place] zay? the Corniche / corniche zay?
What time is it? / Sa’ kam?
It is . . . / Sa’ [number]
ala yameen / to the right ala shi-mel / ala yassar / to the left fo’ / up or above wara’ / behind