1.1.1 DFI is an integral part of an open and effective international economic system and is seen as a source of economic development, income growth and employment. A firm which obtains DFI would be beneficial by new marketing channels, cheaper production facilities, access to new technology, products, skills and financing.
1.1.2 For all of the benefits that DFI could bring to either a host country or the foreign firm that receives the investment, Blades Inc. is seriously considering DFI in Thailand which is a profitable market and has been placed among the world’s fastest growing economies. (See Appendix 1 & 2 page 5 for Thailand imports and exports evidence).
2.2 Benefits obtaining from DFI
1.2.1 The overall benefits from considering DFI in Thailand is maximizing profits and minimising costs. As the fact shows that Thai baht is now a freely floating currency and has depreciated 8.88 percent during the last 12 months, which could lower the initial costs required for DFI. In this way, Blade may generate profits when DFI is considered.
1.2.2 Compared to Blades’ U.S. market or U.K. market’s, the Thai roller blade market offers more growth potential. Since Blades’ growth potential there is limited due to product’s high prices charges in the U.S. and a well-established of both domestic and foreign roller blade manufacturers in the U.K., Thailand has been chosen as an export target to attract new sources of demand because of its growth prospects.
1.2.3 Since the cost of goods sold incurred in Thailand is substantially below that incurred in the U.S., Blades may be able to sell its products at a lower price but generate higher profit margins in Thailand than it can in the U.S. Therefore in this way, Blades can make contribution to its profits making motive.
1.2.4 Furthermore, Thai labour may