Dr. Reubensaal
Political Science 1
1 December, 2012 Direct Interests Of The People
An elected representative in a democratic society should directly represent the views of the people who he was elected by. The best statement that describes this role would be “...as your duly elected representative, it is my responsibility to vote your wishes and not my opinion.” as opposed to a statement such as: “I will be voting my true convictions.” An elected representative should purely represent his constituents' wishes because the people have a real say in the matter of how their country is run and thus how their lives are run. Without this type of representation, the phrase “by the people for the people” - referring to the government – is less meaningful because the people may not be necessarily running their own country. A statement like “I will be voting my true convictions” sort of implies a country that is governed by a certain elite group of individuals rather than the actual people in that country. Of course, the representative may still adequately represent the views of the people who voted him/her in, but there is definitely room for the peoples' views being ignored on behalf of political ties or agendas. That is why voting the wishes of the people would be the best way to go under a democratic society.
The very purpose of a democratic society is to have a government where everybody has an equal part and role in the organization and structure of the society. This is done in the Scott 2
Unite States of America by way of voting. The people vote on what kind of country they want ultimately and that is the country they end up with. There has to be an efficient way of getting people's desires out and implemented into