Advantages/Benefits of Direct Selling
Individualization as an Advantage
People don 't like feeling like just another nameless, faceless wallet. Direct mail campaigns target them individually by addressing them by name or explaining how the advertised products meet their individual needs. Companies often choose direct mail selling because it allows them to virtually reach out to consumers on a one-on-one basis by segmenting their consumer or potential consumer base to find those who share similar characteristics. This provides a higher potential for success.
Personal Call to Action
A key characteristic of direct mail selling is that it singles out consumers and asks them to act now. It encourages consumers to take advantage of an immediate opportunity, such as a discount with an imminent end date or the chance to receive something free with their purchase. This might not seem like an advantage, because companies essentially are selling their goods below normal price or giving away extras with purchases. However, the advantage lies in the fact that creating urgency and the opportunity to save or receive something “more” for their dollars is a huge motivator for consumers.
Data Tracking
Direct mail sales pitches typically include a tracking mechanism. It often consists of a word or code that individual recipients of direct mail pitches input into an order form when purchasing the item advertised. This allows companies to determine which sales were generated as a result of the direct