Seventy percent of individuals involved in the correctional system are not institutionalized but rather involved in the community with some form of probation and or parole. (4)…
Intro- Opium- from the Greek word opos, meaning juice or sap, was originally chewed, eaten, or blended into various liquids and swallowed. (Inaba 4-7) It was cultivated in The Mediterranean, and Southwest Asia. Dating all the way back to the 206 B.C., Opium was a major product traded on the Silk Road. This classification of drugs is used primarily to treat pain, diarrhea, and cough. They are known to bring on a sense of euphoria, lower one’s sense of emotional stress or fatigue, and in some instances, suppress opioid withdrawal symptoms. Methods of use are oral injection, smoking, injection, and snorting. Short term effects of use of these drugs can be drowsiness,…
The corrections system in the United States is an ongoing struggle to house and rehabilitate individuals who violate the law. The resources put towards the United States correctional system is substantial but not sufficient. The United States continues to have a rising number of inmates incarcerated and in turn often times face overcrowding issues and shortage of funds to provide other rehabilitation focused classes and programs. The corrections system in the United States has proven to show trends throughout the years since the corrections system was established. In order for the corrections system to improve, it must be analyzed and changed…
One objective in the criminal justice system is to rehabilitate offenders. In this paper, I will describe what rehabilitation is in prison, as well as provide the origin of rehabilitation. Next I will give a definition of parole and how it is different from mandatory release. I will also be giving a definition of probation and how probation compares to other forms of sentencing. This paper will also provide a definition as well as the options of community corrections. Lastly, I will critique the current rehabilitation and give my opinion on a better solution to the current parole process, the current probation system, and the current community corrections options.…
According to Suzie, her partner, Samantha has asked her to cut back on her drinking multiple times, which Suzie does not foresee being a problem. Suzie stated that she does not have a ‘drinking problem’. She claimed that she wanted her working conditions to improve, as she states she is viewed at as the ‘trouble maker’ at work. She is eager for a promotion up for dibs at Steelcase and hopes her coworkers can stop starting fights with her and keep their thoughts to themselves.…
Ross, R. & McKay, B (1980). Behavioral Approaches to Treatment in Corrections – Requiem for a Panacea. Retrieved from…
Within the U.S. criminal justice system there is a valuable resource that helps the Judge determine an effective sentence that would account for such factors as restitution, rehabilitation, and incarceration. This tool is a PSIR or Pre-sentencing Investigation Report. Pre-sentencing reports originated from the passing of the Sentencing Reform Act, which was part of the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984. This legislation required all capital murder cases to have a Pre-sentencing reports performed.…
Discuss the differences between a substance abuse program (SAP) in prison and a program in the outside community. Discuss the differences between coerced and voluntary treatment. The readings address the use of coerced counseling in the prison system and that successes are dependent upon acceptance or willingness to adhere to the group's counseling goals. What devices are available to ensure the success of counseling provided inside the institution? How do we judge the system's effects on crime prevention? Explain in 200-250 words.…
There are over two thousand drug courts in America, each one specializing in its own level of drug abuse. A drug court’s primary role is to handle cases with offenders of substance abuse. They offer offenders an opportunity to enter a rehabilitation program in lieu of sentenced jail time. The road to recovery is of course challenging and difficult, making the drug courts so strict and costly. Drug courts were generally created for non-violent drug abusers. Although these offenders are given the chance to avoid jail time they are extremely supervised by the court officials. Drug tests, substance abuse treatment, must make regular appearances in court and constant checkups are required to continue in the program. These offenders’ cases are usually dismissed due to their involvement in the program or their sentence is only shortened. Participation in these programs are completely voluntary and if qualified to enter, the offender must agree to complete all the tasks given and report to every summoning from the court. If an offender doesn’t complete the program, they can be prosecuted or their sentence will be revised and will be placed in jail. Drug courts are considered one f the most effective ways to eliminate drug abusers and avoiding incarceration. While in the program offenders are monitored and results of every drug court case is very astonishing, but the long term effect of these cases are beyond the rulings of the court. It is not known if those who participated in the programs continued their lives drug free. These courts have been examined and tested to see if the results justify the cost of the program. The operations evaluated such as the number of participants, referrals issued, and drug court graduates. The cost savings of processing the offenders through the program instead of straight jail time, and results compared with those who have been completed their sentenced jail time as opposed to those in the programs. The therapeutic jurisprudence theory…
In the 1970s and 1980s, America faced a severe drug epidemic. The rise of drug use led to an increase in crime. Incarceration rates nearly tripled due to drug related crimes. The need to address this growing problem led to the drug court movement and the creation of drug courts. Drug courts are special courts that treat offenders with a history of substance abuse addictions by providing supervised treatments and sanctions when needed. This paper will discuss the establishment and goals of drug courts. It will also discuss the success or failures of drug courts in California, Florida, and D.C.…
Prior to ARI funding, the public defender and the probation officer serving the drug court managed mixed caseloads of both drug court and non-drug court participants. ARI funding allows the probation officer and a contract defense attorney to focus solely on the needs of drug court offender. Evidence-based/promising practices in use: LSI-R assessment, cognitive-behavioral therapy, Thinking for a Change curriculum, drug court Target population and reduction goals: Knox County has operated a drug court since 2008. From 2007 to 2009, Knox County committed to IDOC an annual average of 70 offenders who would have been eligible for diversion to a drug court program or other community-based supervision program. Knox County’s 25% reduction goal for the grant period, based on recent commitment levels within the target population, is 16. In February 2012, in exchange for supplemental funding, the reduction goal was increased to 24. Overview of jurisdiction: Knox County, located in north central Illinois, covers approximately 719 square…
Drug courts seek to halt the revolving door of addiction and crime by linking addicted offenders to drug treatment and rigorous judicial monitoring. They bring together judges, prosecutors, defense attorneys, treatment providers, and court staff in a collaborative effort to address the offender’s underlying substance use disorder and enforce compliance with court orders. Drug courts also use a system of graduated incentives and sanctions to help substance abusers achieve and maintain a drug-free life. Today, thanks to well-established evidence that drug courts reduce substance abuse and recidivism—including a groundbreaking study by researchers from the Center for Court Innovation—there are approximately 3,000 drug courts in the United States.…
The United States’ court system, jails, and prisons contain a significant number of offenders that have been convicted with drug related offenses, many of which are suffering from drug addictions. Drug abuse is becoming more prevalent, as drugs are becoming more and more readily accessible. Drug courts are a form of intervention used to treat drug-addicted offenders. Drug courts use the power and authority of a judge to keep a drug offender in treatment, providing rewards for successes and sanctions for failures. This form of intervention is used in order to reduce drug use, reduce crime, save money and restore lives.…
The Bureau of Justice Statistics (2005) reported that individuals who fell with the parameters of substance abuse or dependence criteria (as established by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) were at least two times more likely to have at least three prior convictions. Treatment programs or services can range from counseling, detoxification, self-help, group therapy, and basic education (2005). For purposes of measuring the effect of substance abuse programs on the recidivism of Polk County inmates, the program being evaluated is the JASA (Jail Alcohol and Substance Abuse) Program. This program is operated within the jail to inmates who volunteer for the program or are sentenced to participate during their incarceration and consists of education, counseling, and group therapy . When pulling existing data on the inmates, we will ask for each individual who participated in this program to be identified for operational…
Drug treatment targets non violent addicts with previous convictions.The program enables addicts to live independent of drugs and interact in a drug-free environment. The pioneering initiative is now run in at least 15 counties across New York State. 87% of the addicts are less likely than others to return to prison. Addicts who are unable to be rehabilitated are then sentenced to imprisonment. The program associates with family members to encourage and motivate these drug addicts to change behavior and enter treatment.…