In today’s world, where living a hectic life has become the new norm, numerous individuals will continually lack the time needed to break for a meal. Unfortunately, missing daily meals can have dire consequences resulting in health deficiencies. [Cite URL=]
However, Juice Plus Complete can assist those who sacrifice meals repeatedly, by providing essential nutrients needed to fill the gaps and maintain a healthy diet on-the-go.
Juice Plus Complete, currently consists of six dietary supplement variants, each containing just the right amounts of protein, nutrients, and fiber, to be used in place of any meal; breakfast, lunch, or dinner, or as an …show more content…
Note: This Complete product may also contain traces of wheat, lactose, milk, peanuts, nuts, and sesame seeds
• Juice Plus Complete Vegetable Soup
Single serving sachet equals 29.5g
Net weight of 15 quantities equals 442.5g
Store at max. 24 °C, in a dry place
Manufactured in Germany
Nutritional Ingredients per serving
Energy 200