1.0 Introduction 2 1.1. Seria Crude Oil Terminal 2
2.0 Contents 2 2.1. Equipment or tools 2 2.2. Processes 4 2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Processes 6
3.0 Conclusion 6
4.0 Reference List 6
1.0 Introduction
1.1. Seria Crude Oil Terminal
The Seria Crude Oil Terminal (SCOT) is owned by the Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) which is located on the Seria field in Brunei. Its provide collections, storage and export facilities for crude oil and it was establish in 1972.
2.0 Contents
2.1. Equipment or tools
Here are some of equipment used in SCOT which is namely Oil Heating Units, Turbines Expanders and Flaring System. Below are explanations on equipment used in SCOT:
Oil Heating Units
a) Oil heating …show more content…
2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Processes
The Advantages are It produces good source or product which is really useful for our country for example oil for transportation and pure production directly to gas treatment or compression which gives a combination of gas, oil and water and various contaminants which must be separated and process
Meanwhile for disadvantages of processes is negative environmental impact happen because of the activities of the process produces air pollution and gas compression can cause explosion because of over heat and high pressure when the gas meet the spark.
3.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, the importance of learning oil and gas industry is to know the process of oil and gas. Other than that, it’s an obvious uses there are a lot of our everyday products which are manufactured as a result of product. The keys learning are to know the equipment use, to know about more oil and gas industry and to know about process of oil and …show more content…
GmbH, E. (no date) Equipment for oil and gas production. Available at: http://www.ence.ch/eng/equipment_ngd.php (Accessed: 4 November 2016). kenzituan (2013) Omid salehvand. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/kenzituan/oil-and-gas-production-handbook-26010298 (Accessed: 4 November 2016).
OIL & GAS PRODUCTION HANDBOOK by ABB (2011) Available at: https://issuu.com/rmcprocesscontrols/docs/oil---gas-production-handbook-by-abb/14 (Accessed: 4 November 2016).
JMC finance limited - oil and gas equipment (2016) Available at: http://jmc-finance.com/index/0-2 (Accessed: 4 November