Why open a window when we can quickly check the weather on our smart phones? Or why go to a library when we can search the topic on Google at the click of a button? Technology has opened a doorway to an easy and more convenient world. However, all of this easy access can ultimately result in a lazy lifestyle. Through electronics, some people may, in the future, hardly have to leave their houses. Online shopping, video chatrooms, and continuous news broadcasting are just a few of the various ways in which we can avoid having to go out in public to accomplish everyday tasks. A recent survey accumulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics suggests that people aged 15-19 averaged six minutes of leisure reading a week, not including online reading. Also, the average person spends six hours of leisure time on some form of technology everyday. This data proves that our society has become obsessed with social media and messaging, and has turned away from stimulating activities like reading and outdoor recreation. Overall, technology has rewired the way we live. Whether it is beneficial of disastrous, we don't know.
The technological industry is rapidly advancing itself; every day companies are working to satisfy hardware-hungry customers. We have worked it seamlessly into our lifestyles, without being knowledgable about the precautions. A study compiled by University of North Carolina Chapel Hill