Helen Keller once said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of overcoming it. This quote means most suffering in the world comes from ignorance and mankind’s selfishness. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, this quote is proven true when Atticus takes the case of Tom Robinson despite the racist range of the town. In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, this quote is proven true when George killed Lennie because he was too much to handle. In both of these texts the characters have to overcome their fears because they want what is right.…
“You can gain strength, courage, and confidences by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself “I lived through this horror. I can take next thing that comes my way” – Eleanor Roosevelt…
be disrespectful to others because you are consciously not telling them the truth and are building…
I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil, and who out of these wins the splendid ultimate triumph.…
During my work I may find myself in situations where the individuals I am supporting do not agree with what I believe is best for them.…
▪ This means to me if you work hard in the end you will get nothing but greater success in…
Adversity is something that one will always go through from the moment they are born to the moment they die and this is a fact that everyone knows as they grow up. One many not know about adversity while they are young but they eventually understand the meaning to it. Many are able to overcome the many adversities that lie in their path but there are a few that are not able to endure it and give up half way. Those who are able to endure the pain and suffering that comes with adversity will then receive the reward of pride. Eventually after overcoming many adversities, one will gain much confidence and one’s identity will change depending on how they overcome it, how many they have overcome, and most importantly, why they have overcome that…
Ryan Allen ENG 1310 8/3/11 Overcoming Adversity Throughout the world there are many different people who go through different trials and tribulations. Human history and existence today would not be what it is if we didn’t have to struggle a bit to get what we want. I feel this also applies…
Adversity is unfortunately, an aspect of life which can hardly be avoided. Some people experience different types of adversity, whether it is physical, emotional or psychological, in any case, people experience adversity on different levels and to various extents. Although some experiences are harsher and harder to cope with than others, it is in human nature to learn from not only mistakes but from our life experiences, therefore “that which cannot kill me, only makes me stronger” is a significant aphorism which enforces that people have the immunity and ability which allows them to move on.…
One thing that stands out is the persistence to overcome, to reach a goal, in spite of seemingly impossible obstacles.…
“Actions speak louder than words, but words are louder than silence.” This quote defines and guides my thoughts, morals, feelings, and essentially my life. Whether experiences are traumatic, emotional, alleviating, or joyous, everyone handles their experiences differently. There should be no comparison between individuals’ experiences due to that sole fact. I surmounted my pain yet, I have managed to apply life lessons on a daily basis.…
A person who is always hesitant, doubtful and backing over all issues in life will not be able to achieve anything substantial during the course of his/her life. It is the quality of wise perseverance that separates the average person from a genius. It is often observed and noted that genius often stems from an average dream but outstanding perseverance. Great things have come only to those who have persevered against the odds and dared to go beyond the established boundaries of his/her society. A desire can only take a real form when hard work to obtain it is persevered against all odds.…
Once you start a working on something, don't be afraid of failure and don't abandon it. People who work sincerely are the happiest.…
All of us ought to arrange all our actions so that they will earn us respect from our friends and all who know us. But this is only half the picture. The other side is the importance of keeping our self-respect. If we commit wrong actions, we ought first to think carefully to see if it will bring us joy or sorrow. If we think and act wisely and well, then we shall not need to feel shame for our conduct. Wise thought coupled with wise action brings us the respect of others and keeps us from losing our self-respect.…
My philosophy in life is, “Success is tampered with the harsh realities in life.” As I look and re-read my philosophy in life is that it looks very simple, it is understandable, but the meaning of the philosophy in my life is not simple, it is not just as easy as that are being written and be read. I said this because the meaning of my philosophy is this, there is no victory unless a person will tackle and will experienced the bad and the wicked things that will give the person’s life the downfall, but looking back to the realities that corresponds the real meaning of life is that there are the things that will make you feel worse, that even there will be a time that you will hate your life, and because of that it will result to the discouragement of achieving your ambitions, or your goals that will represent as the successes in life, it will also affect because discouragement will interrupt in getting on it, but as the others are telling that because of these trials, it will ensure that you have colors in life, that there is the meaning in your life. So instead of looking these trials as a problem, it is better to say that, these problems gives me strength and use it , and make myself up and surely because of these it is surely because of the learnings from the problems, it will help as a tool in achieving one’s person achievement. Condensing it, there is no success or victory in life unless you have experienced the realities in life which are the bad and worst things in life. I arrive in this philosophy in my life thru inspirations…