My teaching practice helps meet this statement on having a positive, responsive, cooperative relationship with each child’s family by knowing each family members and greeting them by name. I am able to invite families to take part in program activities. I am able to help families understand the importance of play for children. I am also able to empathize with families around stressful areas of parenting, such as lack of sleep, illness, challenging behaviors and I am able to provide support and suggestions when needed or asked.…
for some of the problems that plague our society today. She identifies some important and significant changes within the family structure since the 1960’s. Further, she includes factors that are responsible for this change. Finally, she expounds on the balance, and if in fact families are becoming weaker or simply different? She cites evidence to support her claims, and she proposes her opinions on what she feels will strengthen the family.…
Work closely with fellow practitioners, and share information about the children’s needs, likes and dislikes…
According to the Marxism theory, the proletariat are being exploited by the bourgeoisie as they own the means of production which indicates that they are the basis of the whole society and they control everything in it including the family. This kind of system could be seen as a capitalist society which means it makes the rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.…
The majority of society sees the Nuclear family as 2 parents (Mum and Dad) being married and with at least one child, with Dad being the main financial contributor and Mum being the home maker as popularised by sociologists such as George Murdoch (3). This is no longer seen as common place as it once was. Children within this family structure receive strength and stability from both parents and generally have more opportunities due to the financial ease of two parents who both contribute this way to the household.…
Families Comparison EssayA family is a most precious identity a person can have. An individual from a noble, average or poor family can be distinguished by the character, acts, behavior, and living style. A person spends most of his time in life with the family and thus the family contributes the most in an individuals growth, thinking and behavior. When we think of a western family, the standard nuclear family comes to mind, working father, stay-at-home mom and a flock of children. This is no longer the case, in the past 50 years the family has changed significantly and continues to change. These changes are greatly due to the equalization of women's rights and the massive expansion of available communications technology. In many families nowadays both parents work and when the children are young are put into daycare services that just were not around in the past. It is now worthwhile for both parents to work since many companies provide the aforementioned daycare for free. Women also have greatly increased earning potential since they are just as educated and will now make the same amount of money as men for doing the same job. Women are hired these days to do other jobs than to be secretaries and nurses. The families of 1950s are considered as ideal and are also known as nuclear families. It consists of a working husband, a housewife and their children mostly two in which the elder one is boy and the younger one is girl. The families of 1950s and mine have a lot of differences because of the change of culture in the society. They include the structure, role, values of education and outlook on future.…
In the past, traditionally families have mostly been the ‘traditional nuclear family’ made up of a married man and woman and at least one child. However there has recently been a decline in the amount of traditional nuclear families and an increase in the amount of diverse families. There are now less people following the traditional view that the nuclear family is the ‘normal’ way to live. The diverse families now include families such as, lone parent families, reconstituted family, extended family, lone person households, cohabiting couples and same sex couples. In this essay I will discuss the view that the traditional nuclear family has decline as a result of the growth of family diversity and the reasons why people are no longer following past tradition. Cohabitatiion is an arrangement where two people who is not married live together in an intimate relationship, particularly an emotionally and/or sexually intimate one, on a long-term or permanent basis. Before 1970, cohabitation was illegal in certain countries e.g. America. Due to a change in the law, Cohabitation is now a common pattern among people around the world, as well as sex/birth outside of marriage, leaving at least 50% to 60% of coupless cohabitating, starting from the late 1990âs. This leads to the amount of traditional nuclear families decreasing as people want to live in companionship as nearly half the amount of marriages end in divorce, also cohabiting is an easier way as its much cheaper and doesnt cause much hassle. The New Right see the decline of the traditional nuclear family and the growth of family diversity as negative trends in modern society.…
Working with young children and their families is all about relationships. Children thrive when they feel comfortable with a practitioner and they also need the reassurance that their parents and other adults around them are all getting on well.…
There are various types of families in today’s society. The most common type of family is a single parent family. This particular family is becoming the norm in today’s society. Researchers Abbey, Ceballo, Lansford and Stewart (2001) found that a single parent family structure is the most at risk group. A single-parent family is one that consists of one…
The structure of the family significantly influences the child. The Family Pediatrics Report (2003) states that the development of a child is influence by the interpersonal relationship between the child and the family members. Based on The Complexity of Community and Family Influences on Children’s Achievement in New Zealand: Best Evidence Synthesis, parents who provide effective support for their children’s development generally have a stable and caring home environment where the children are raised by parents who are both responsible and dedicated. Affection and protection are important for the healthy development of a child. This will help the children to be able to grow and develop naturally without any stress or fear to explore their surroundings which leads to better performance in school. According to The Family Pediatrics Report (2003), the emotional, behavioural and educational problems risks are lower in 2-parents household on average. This is due to the 2-parent household structure facilitates effective parenting behaviours where both parents play their own role instead of just one parents playing so many roles such as nurturer, an individual in the community, an employee, a consumer and an educator which may lead the parent to experience burnout. A stable, well-functioning family is the best environment in which children may be…
Change has become the constant in families all over the world. For years, the “Ideal Nuclear Family” was portrayed as the perfect family. The ideal nuclear family consists of a mother, father, and three to four children all in one home. The perception of this “perfect” family has been depicted through sitcoms such as, the Brady Bunch, The Cosby Show, and many more over time. As of today, The “Ideal Nuclear Family” has changed and has a new look in our society.…
Although, having an arrangement of a family unit depletes the chance of having broken families like no divorce or no unwanted children. On the contrary, family units do not experience romantic or familial love. People do not fall in love and marry. The adults do not love each other. The family units only exist to raise those two children. Since family units do not really experience these strong emotions; the families are not bonding and feeling these emotions other than just…
Often times we think of marriage, we think of starting a family and living happily ever after. Today’s society compared to when I was growing up is a little different. The divorce rate is higher now than it was twenty five years ago with a divorce rate of 45-50%. Over half of people that divorce remarry after about five years and the new family becomes a blended family. Blended families are defined as “any marriage in which at least one of the spouses becomes a stepparent, regardless of the age of the children” (Becnels’ definition). Of course with anything there are pros and cons with blended families which present unique opportunities for family growth. Some of the “cons” of a blended family are jealousy, lack of trust, selfishness, cooperation and lack of communication. When any of these items are issues in a blended situation it mostly dims light on the husband and wife. There are also “pros” to being in a blended family when typically dealing with the “cons” effectively strengthens the families’ closeness. These consist of good cooperation, the pursuit of good communication, unselfish actions from everyone involved and consistently building trust. All can be effective but the extra challenges require extra effort to make a strong family.…
The roles within the nuclear family used to be the father being the main provider and working long hours to support his family and the mother looked after the children and the home. Because men were the ones with the money they took charge inside the family. This was considered the norm but over time changes came about when the wife began to reject the housewife role and demanded a greater say in decision making in the home. They wanted to be considered equal to their husbands. Women began insisting men carried out tasks around the home. This lead to husbands spending leisure time with family instead of spending time with his male companions down the pub after work, it resulted in close emotional bonds with his wife and children, he began to help with household tasks and childcare.…
The image people have of a family is still the so called Nuclear family (1) popularised by sociologist such as George Murdoch(2) with parents of both sexes and one or more children with the father usually being the primary finical provider. This is no longer as common as it once was (3) and has lead to the rise of other family archetypes.…