Many problems can cause stress following a disaster among them is decaying bodies, limited access to water and food sometimes no proper sewage facilities. In this case, health care officials struggled to prevent epidemics and strengthen health among the living. Communication is critical with community members at times of disaster and crisis.
Risk communication is an interactive process through which information and opinion among individuals, institutions, and groups is exchanged. This approach generally involves several messages about the nature of risk or reactions to risk messages, or expressing concerns, opinions, or to legal and institutional arrangements for risk management.
Community health nurses are within a position to become efficient risk communicators because the public trusts nurses and respects their opinions (Lundy & Janes, 2009).
Nurses should know and learn risk communication techniques, truths, myths, and pitfalls in order to correctly care for communities in crisis.
Basic communication techniques applied with risk communication include building trust, staying focused on the message, listening, developing goals and presenting information that is correct and timely (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2002
Nurses play an extremely vital role in disaster and must be well versed in assisting in a variety of ways, especially in caring and communication. Nurses will