Activity 1.1:
1. Develop for yourself a working definition of disasters from a community perspective.
According to the Disaster Management Act 2003,
A disaster is a serious disruption in a community, caused by the impact of an event that requires a significant coordinated response by the State and other entities to help the community recover from the disruption.
Serious disruption means—
(a) loss of human life, or illness or injury to humans; or
(b) widespread or severe property loss or damage; or
(c) widespread or severe damage to the environment. (Disaster Management Act , 2003)
Disaster from a community perspective in my understanding is a severe distraction to the community which causes or intimidate loss or injury in the society, and damage to possessions and environment which is beyond the limit of everyday capability which requires extraordinary coordinated response and mobilisation by state / federal government and other community organisation of resources to help recover from distraction or disturbance.
Expressed as Hazard + Vulnerability / Capacity = Disaster. (Disaster Management)
It can be understood and studied on a wide perceptive, focus multidisciplinary responses which focus on health related issues and consequences of disaster. It involves three essential areas: risk management and emergency; public health, clinical and psychological care.
2. Consider three recent events and explain why they meet this definition of a disaster.
Few events in the last decade in Australia which are considered as a major disaster event consequently affecting health and day to day life are recorded as disaster causing major impact on health, damage to life, property, environment and natural resources.
Queensland, Australia was seriously inclined and influenced by an flood series in December 2010 with three quarter of the state announced as a disaster and calamity zone. The flood constrained the clearing of a large number of individuals from
References: Australian Emergency Management Hanbook. (2011). Retrieved from Australia Emergency Department, General Attorney Department: Disaster Management Disaster Management Act . (2003). Retrieved from Queensland Government: Emergency Management Fleming, M. L., & Parker, E. (2012). Introduction to Public health. Queensland,Australia: Elsevier. Guha-Sapir, D., Below, R., & Hoyois, P. (2012). Annual DisasterStatistal Review. Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED). Recovery: Australian Emergency Manual Series - Manual 10.Commonwealth of Australia. p79. (2004). Retrieved from Emergency Management Australia.: Rodríguez, H., Dynes, R Strategy and Programming Framework 2014-2024. (2014). Retrieved from Regional Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM): Wahlström, M