March 7, 2014
HS 256
Unit 5 Paper
Disaster Response
A disaster brings violence, terror, and trauma, to all who experience its wrath and devastation. Destruction and suffering is the entertainment that disasters provide to its audience, through a campaign of psychological and physical damage. According to the fields of disaster psychiatry and disaster psychology, a disaster is a major ecological and psychosocial destruction that far exceeds the coping ability of a disaster area ( PTSD & Natural Disaster). There are two primary types of disasters to which we are all vulnerable; these are manmade disasters and natural disasters. Manmade disasters are created and initiated by human intent or error. Manmade disasters are often terrorist attacks, explosions, plane crashes, and negligent behaviors that provoke hazards. One of the most notorious manmade disasters happened on September 11, 2001, and it demonstrated how devastating a manmade disaster can be. Unlike manmade disasters, natural disasters are more prevalent across the world; they come in the form of hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, flash floods, blizzards etc. In general, disasters will come in various forms and society must do whatever it must to prepare for, and respond to them accordingly. When it comes to reducing or even preventing the damage that disasters can inflict, we first have to prepare for them in order to respond to them.
While we’re capable of preventing a few manmade disasters like terrorist attacks, and make preparations for natural disasters, we are not fully prepared until we know how to respond to disasters during and after a disaster had taken place. The initial response to most disasters is essentially the same; disasters induce both physical and psychological damage that requires significant attention. Based on the scope of a disaster and the state of emergency that follows, the response will range from the local, state, tribal and federal level