Discipline is having control and order of your actions. Within the classroom, discipline is taken out of context. It can take on the meaning of having a plot, concept, strategy or even a path. Discipline is not a sentence to be used toward students, but it is a pathway for students to learn to control their actions. Discipline should not be a bearing on apprehension or being fearful of authority, but a learning process. Management is the process of maintaining the classroom environment to run effectively. Management is set forth to place rules in effect and to sustain restrictions over the classroom. The lack of management can be overwhelming, but if rules are followed then more learning will take place and less time for students to find mischievous deeds. Behavior is the manner in which a person conducts him/herself. Dealing with the behavior of a student can be challenging and stressful. It takes skills to learn how to control behavior, whether it being you as the teacher or a student. It is essential that you are successful in controlling behavior, because it is your classroom and you have to learn to control it. Misbehavior is described as unsuitable and disorderly conduct. Misbehavior, in the classroom, can be disturbing for the teacher and an interruption for the student, but a classroom that is well directed can prevent misbehavior by providing dependability, anticipation, and reliable standard. This will ensure students a better learning environment and standards they can take with them beyond their school years. The word management should be observed as the restraint, but discipline is seen as the action taken when restraint is unsuccessful. Management, in