GRA 202 - LAYOUT & TYPOGRAPHY MIDTERM STUDY NOTES LECTURE 1: THE GRAPHIC DESIGN PROCESS THE DESIGN PROCESS 1. Planning > 2. Design > 3. Development > 4. Feedback * There is no one way* - as such design usually solved a problem (ie. save money, environment, persuade) THE GCM GDP - what do you do when you are working? - what steps do you take? - is there room for improvement? - were you missing steps? OTHER GDP 1. Meet > Research > Conceptualize > Layout & Design > Present & Revise > Finalize 2. Breifing > Design > Artwork > Production 3. Define prob/goal > research > inspiration > sketch > digital implementation > feedback > more digi > colour & typefaces > final rev > delivery DESIGN BREIF Purpose: get everyone on the client side on same page & give the designer a point of reference Contains: corporate profile, backgrpound w/ position situation & communication, the message, target market, objectives, budjet, schedule MIND MAPS Components Include: floating topic, central topic, main topics Subtopics DESIGN AND CROWDSOURCING - the internet is changing the way we participate in design - crowd sourcing is when you ask a question of the crowd - Process: client posts job > designers respond w/ solution > client picks winning design - sometimes refered to as spec work - benefits client bc get to see end result for free > possible steal ideas and not pay designer for work LECTURE 2: ELEMENTS OF GRAPHIC DESIGN - POINT, LINE & PLANE ELEMENTS OF GRAPHIC DESIGN Line, Colour, Texture, Size, Shape, Value Space * Graphic Designers use type to communicate a message or line to create movement, or colour to create mood etc.* THE CHALLENGE - the way we identify & describe elements is varied - there is no one process for graphic design & there is no set of "stuff" or "rules" either - "Stuff = elements of design" & "Rules = principles of design" DEFINITION - Elements of graphic design: the components or content of the design, they can be tangible or work to…