References: Choyimah, Nurul. 2013. CDA handout. Unpublished Paul Gee, James. 2011. An introduction to discourse analysis: theory and method. New York: Routledge Fairclough N., 1992. Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press: Cambridge. Fairclough N., 2000. Discourse, social theoryand social research: the discourse of welfare reform. Journal of Sociolinguistics4, pp. 163-195 Kata Syahrini. [Online]. Available: [Accessed from the Internet on May 22, 2012] Syahrini Manfaatkan Jargon Unuk Popularitas. [Online]. Available:
References: Choyimah, Nurul. 2013. CDA handout. Unpublished Paul Gee, James. 2011. An introduction to discourse analysis: theory and method. New York: Routledge Fairclough N., 1992. Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press: Cambridge. Fairclough N., 2000. Discourse, social theoryand social research: the discourse of welfare reform. Journal of Sociolinguistics4, pp. 163-195 Kata Syahrini. [Online]. Available: [Accessed from the Internet on May 22, 2012] Syahrini Manfaatkan Jargon Unuk Popularitas. [Online]. Available: