Cooperative learning is an important strategy used to promote discovery learning. Cooperative learning has three distinct goals: academic achievement, …show more content…
This may be done verbally, graphically, or with text. The teacher during phase 3 explains how the teams are formed and helps students make transitions into their groups. Phase 4 is teamwork. Students work together on cooperative tasks and the teacher assists students and groups, while reminding them of their interdependence.
The final phases of a cooperative learning lesson consists of phase 5 (assessment) and phase 6 (recognition). The teacher tests student knowledge or groups present their work. Individual students and groups are assessed on cooperation as well as academic achievement. The effort of individuals and groups are recognized through displays, newsletters, presentations, or other public forums.
The learning environment for cooperative learning differs clearly from the traditional individualistic classroom environment. Students assume active roles and take responsibility for their own learning. The social atmosphere is collaborative and respectful of differences. Students learn group processes and problem-solving skills and become more and more independent in using them. Students construct their own learning through active engagement with materials, problems, and other students. The teacher's responsibilities include forming the teams, structuring the group work, providing materials, and determining the reward structure, but the students direct their own work and