Al, 2009). This therefore as the ability to the long term to reduce the amount of adolescents suffering with depression and reduce the negative discrepancy the individual is feeling. The study found that in the short term the mental health literacy of participants had significantly increased which hopes to change in the long term the actual behaviour and standards set on individuals as well as improving help-seeking (Robinson et. Al, 2009). Therefore, through education there are methods that allow for the reduction in current individuals suffering from depression and negative discrepancies whilst also allowing for increased social awareness of mental illnesses and the
Al, 2009). This therefore as the ability to the long term to reduce the amount of adolescents suffering with depression and reduce the negative discrepancy the individual is feeling. The study found that in the short term the mental health literacy of participants had significantly increased which hopes to change in the long term the actual behaviour and standards set on individuals as well as improving help-seeking (Robinson et. Al, 2009). Therefore, through education there are methods that allow for the reduction in current individuals suffering from depression and negative discrepancies whilst also allowing for increased social awareness of mental illnesses and the