Mexican Americans pushed for advances in the farming industry. Many of the Mexican …show more content…
Asian Americans wanted the government to provide social services for the poor and help rebuild their communities. Because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the effects of the Vietnam War, Americans had a tough time trusting and accepting Asian Americans into society. They were constantly being ignored by whites as an act of revenge. Nadra Kareem Nittle wrote an article saying that Asian Americans, “strove to prove that they were authentically American by assimilating” (Nittle). Asian Americans always felt like they needed to prove to others that they’re loyal to the United States and had no ties with their old government. The need for equality for Asian Americans started when the Japanese were put into internment camps and were treated inhumanely, Especially after World War II ended. The rest of the Asians living in the United States were affected when the Vietnam War broke out, but brought Asian Americans together as a whole. It didn’t matter if they were Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese, or Filipino. They all stood together fighting for better government services by participating in marches. In 1988, President Reagan signed the Civil Liberties Act, giving twenty thousand dollars in reparations to the people that were put into internment camps during World War