Jessica Holmes
Professor Williams
April 10, 2012
From the beginning of time the male and female have been expected to perform certain roles in society. Males have been expected to work and provide for their family while the female raises the children, cooks, cleans and keeps the house in order. Today many women have broken that tradition and are starting their careers and becoming more independent. Even though females today are braking away from that stereotype, they are being discriminated in the work place because there are still individuals out there that believe that women should play a certain role and that they are not strong enough to work in a cooperation or organization.Apart of society believes that women should not compete and take jobs away from men because men are the breadwinners for the family. I believe that women are strong enough and there are some women out there that do their job better than a male can.
According to, the term gender discrimination basically means the prejudicial treatment of a group or a person due to their gender or sex. It involves a reinforcement of behavior and attitude on the basis of traditionally stereotypical roles people have in the society we live in. Gender discrimination can involve a whole variety of issues, from unequal pay to women being portrayed as sexual objects in the media to wives being beaten up by their spouses. While gender discrimination can affect both men and women, however, it is women who have been at the receiving end through the ages and across cultures, since most cultures in the world are male dominated.
The Discrimination of Women in the Work place is an extremely important issue. Even though the Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination against gender, discrimination of women in the workplace still occurs. This Act was put forth to ensure that employment decisions are made on the basis of an individual’s
References: "Issues | Discrimination." 2009.Web. 15 Mar 2012. . Godbole, By Medha. "Discrimination Against Women in the Workplace." Buzzle Web Portal: Intelligent Life on the Web. 17 Mar. 2010. Web. 18 Mar 2012. . "Protection Against Employment Discrimination." Attorneys BraytonPurcell | Novato (San Francisco), California Attorney.2002-2010. Web. 24 Mar. 2012. . "Workplace Fairness - Short-Changed || Discrimination."Workers, Employee, Employment and Job Rights - Workplace Fairness.Web. 25 Mar 2012. .