TASK 1 outcome 1
The early year’s sector in the UK at the present time is complicated. Unlike many of the European Country it was not activated by government policy for a specific aim but instead came about through an ad in response to family requirement based on the changing social economical circumstances. For example in the Second World War women were used in great numbers to replace the men in the workforce as they went to war. And so they set up nurseries for the children to the mothers who were out working in the factories of offices etc.
However when the men came home because the war had ended and they wanted their jobs back, the nurseries where then closed. Then in the second half of the twentieth century, public expenditure on early year’s provision focused on families who presented social needs and difficulties. The local authority day nurseries which were called later called family centres and nursery schools mainly catered for children at risk of harm, these were mostly in urban and deprived areas. There were early year’s provisions available in the private sector in the form of nannies and a few private nurseries. They were then regulated by the1948 Nurseries and Childminders Act and then followed and followed by the Child Act of 1989 and then the Care Standards Act of 2000.
During 1960 the playgroup movement developed where parents decided to set up their own provision for their children to learn through play in village and church halls and community services.
Requirements for families’ young children varied:
* Some parents needed their children to be in setting where they will be safe and able be safe and take part in play and learning experience for all or part of the day while the parents worked or studied.
* Some parents wanted to stay with their children while they