Specific Example of Discrimination & How It Influences Parenting & Child Rearing In the video, Beyond the Blue: Life as a Female Police Officer, the officer’s husband comments that police officers, in general, carry a certain attitude that they are right and those that they encounter while on the job are wrong. He follows up by stating that it is important that this attitude be turned off at home as it doesn’t work very well in personal space and time. (Beyond the Blue: Life as a Female Police Officer). As the ex-wife of a now retired DPS detective with over 20-years experience on the force, this opinion resonated with me at a core level. As a police officer who worked the graveyard shift for 12-years before getting promoted to narcotics detective, my ex-husband shared with me and others
Cited: Banks, R. Richard (2002). Beyond Profiling: Race, Policing and the Drug War. Stanford Law Review, vol. 56 (572-603). Retrieved from http://escholarship.org/uc/item/7972x29z Beyond the Blue: Life as a Female Police Officer. Films Media Group Grauerholz, Liz (2007). Getting past ideology for effective teaching. Sociological Viewpoints, October 1, 2007. Retrieved from http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P3-1639680721.html Trask, B. S., & Hamon, R. R. (Eds.). (2007). Cultural Diversity and Families, expanding perspectives. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.