Coach Vines’ records.
Coach Vines need to explain his actions for not allowing Billy to be on the team to ensure that it’s not discrimination of race. This unethical discrimination of race still exists after many years of trying to get away from it, but it’s still instilled in many people, even though the world is changing. There are many ways that this could affect Billy because he’s not use to being in these situations and possibly upset him which could lead to him not wanting to participate in playing …show more content…
sports. This could be considered as bullying also because of his race. In today’s society the children have to deal with these types of issues from other children, but you wouldn’t think it would exist in adults. Coach Vines could be someone that Billy would possibly look up to as a mentor but not anymore due to him being racist. These types of unethical reasons could lead to the school getting into a law suit against them which would not be a good look for the stakeholders of the school. These types of cases would cause a huge uproar and would not be in the best interest of the school or community. They might lose many students because nobody wants to attend a school that doesn’t have equal opportunity and offers the same opportunities to all races.
Coach Vines need to resign if he feels that strongly about an African American being on his tennis team. Billy could be a great asset to the team and offer many opportunities for them to win many matches or even a championship. Also Coach Vine could be a stakeholder on the account that he could lose his job and be seen as a racist, where no school would hire him. Also the athletic department could be a stakeholder, the students might not want to join any of the school’s sports teams that wouldn’t allow anyone of ethnic descent, students my see that as unfair. This issue needs to be discussed and looked further into to prevent a discrimination case and it all starts with Coach Vines. Coach Vines should reevaluate his decision and try to find a reason as to why he won’t allow Billy to play tennis. Coach Vines decision is wrong if his reason is based on Billy’s skin color his decisions as a coach should be from an educator stance not one of personal preference. Those who do not see an issue in his decision may view the unethical dilemma a bit differently. Opposers may view Coach Vines decision as being based on the fact that maybe Coach Harris thought Billy wasn’t a good player or wouldn’t be a great
asset to the team. Those who oppose it should ask themselves what other reason he has to not allow him to join the team, besides that of a racial issue.
Dr. Simmons knows all too well of what it means to an African American athlete and he made the best decision regarding his son by further investigating the problem that he has faced before. He is teaching his son that being African American athlete problems will arise, but he has to take on the issues that come with it. Dr. Simmons is teaching his son to not give up, stand up for himself, and stand up for what he believes in.