"We pledge ourselves to liberate all our people from the continuing bondage of poverty, deprivation, suffering, gender and other discrimination.- Nelson Mandela". Discrimination was a serious issue back in the 70s. This was all based around the color of people's skin. In the novel Legend there is also deiscrimnation but in the book it's based around a test they run called the trials which determines a persons future. In the real world discrimination was mostly in southern areas where slavery had been legal for decades. In the novel a character by the name of Day had passed his …show more content…
As they say in knight rider "One man can make a difference" in Legend June was a high ranking goverment official who ended up saving Day from execution because she realized the goverment was messed up and that day was right from the beginning and so she's the one who came up with a convalooted idea to free Day. In the real world a man named Martin Luther King Jr. Became the voice for the African American public in their out cry for equality and to end segregation." For a moment, just a split second, I'm on Day's side. I glance up at Commander Jameson, who stares at me as if she's reading my thoughts. It makes me uneasy" at this point June had been driven to help Day escape due to his being