Before the 1970’s women had a very low chance of becoming a doctor or a lawyer just because they were women. They had a very low chance of getting into a college to even get that degree. If schools are a problem, then sports are an even bigger problem (Women’s Sport Foundation). People are thinking “Why are women treated as a lower class than men?”
Renee Smith filed a lawsuit because of the gender discrimination at her school. She was upset about the different sports at her college that wouldn’t let some girls play. Boys were put higher up on the scale and the girls were the “second choice.” There have always been fewer females in sports than males (Richey). According to Charts: The State of Women's Athletics, women have over 60,000 less opportunities than men in college athletics and even getting into a college with a sports scholarship.
It is not just college. Females in high school have less athletic opportunities than males. Females also have a harder time getting into good basketball schools such as any NCAA (national collegiate athletic association) colleges. Females have a hard time getting equipment and uniforms for games and practices because many people think that the male teams are better. This meaning schools are putting in most of …show more content…
She has loved football since she was little and always wanted to play with the boys. When she tried out for the team everybody thought she would never make it. The coach wouldn’t let a girl on the team. Now in her junior year she is the kicker for the team. When she proved to the coach that she could make a field goal from 40 yards away, he was hooked. She is the first girl in 15 years to ever make it on a varsity football team. The coach said, “She is one of the fiercest players on the team!” As you can see, any girl or woman can be on a boys team. It will just take a little more effort but anybody can do anything (CBS