• Substantial body of research → genetic basis for numerous human behaviours.
• New genetic techniques → possible to screen genome → lead to predictions of individuals traits & behaviours.
• Raises serious ethical issues.
Responsibility of Individual Actions.
• Possible to identify criminal traits → individuals genome.
• Twin adoption studies (Joseph 2001) certain degree of heritability for liability of crime.
• Screen for predisposition for criminal behavior.
• If succeeded → criminals may be considered ill or in need of treatment → rather than be punished.
• Legal system → incentive not to commit crime.
Extent of social engineering?
• Rockfeller University → missing gene is related to increased anxiety in rats.
• Possible that different human populations have variations in genetic makeup.
• Hassim → 68 Israeli men found that variation in ADH2 gene → role in the way the body metabolises alcohol.
• Should parents be able to genetically engineer children.
• Is it fair to allow more wealthy people access to this?
• What disparities will occur between people.
• Controversial study found racial difference in intelligence Jensen (1969)
• Might use genetic predispositions against people.
• For example hiring workers based on intelligence.
• Steele and Aaronson → performance tends to be impaired when there is a chance that one will be assessed on a stereotype.
• Discrimination in other aspects will become prevalent.
• Even more discrimination against certain groups/families in the community even.
Selective Breeding.
• True belief that behavior has strong genetic basis → may breed humans like we breed animals.
• Eugenics → popular in the early 1990s.
• For eg. Nazi Germany → became genocide.
• Screen embryos for behavioral traits → choose abortion if deemed necessary.
• Human genome project → enormous databases on genetic characteristics of individuals.