People are motivated to work toward a goal by the expectation of receiving a reward they need (Maslow, 1954; Robbins, 2004). Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Interesting and joyful tasks can evoke intrinsic motivation, which exists within an individual, while extrinsic motivation is influenced by external elements, such as status, threats and poverty (Be´nabou & Tirole, 2001). In terms of occupation, researchers maintain that an appropriate work design leads to a high level of job satisfaction, and a high level of job satisfaction is linked to high motivation (Clark et al., 1998), which in turn, is linked to a good work performance (Gibbons, 1999; Herzberg, 2003). This essay expresses the fact that supervisors should pay attention to encouraging employees’ motivation to engage with their work and put effort into their performance (Gibbons, 1999; Herzberg, 2003).
The essay will mainly focus on the way in which employees can be motivated in the workplace, and provide some strategies to manage their mental health at the same time. Related motivation theories will be described before providing the strategies, which are Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Douglas McGregor 's Theory X and Theory Y. The reason for choosing these two theories is that there is a key to connect self-actualisation with work to Theory Y (McGregor, 1971). This will be followed by an introduction of the strategies and criticisms. Finally, a conclusion will be drawn that most people can be motivated by their different levels of needs, and mental health can be managed by fulfil their needs, including Theory X. In addition, Theory Y can be managed by engaging employees to participate in management tasks and empowering them to have more authority. Sometimes people’s hierarchy of needs overlap, and therefore, the higher level needs may become evident before the lower levels have been totally satisfied. The needs of an individual are not only affected by insight,
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