Assignment 1:
Argument / Discussion Essay
Sanil Shiva Prakashan
UU114 ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC PURPOSES Semester 1, 2013 Assignment 1: Argument / Discussion Essay (15%) Due date: 28 March 2013 800-1000 words
Mixed or Single-sex schools
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Educators debate whether separating boys and girls in schools might improve students’ academic performance. Although some parents and educators prefer mixed schools, there are those who believe that separating boys and girls yield positive results and provide for a better learning environment.
Write an essay on ONE of the following topics. The essay must show the use of four (4) references in the Harvard style. Provide a bibliography.
1. Examine the benefits OR disadvantages of single-sex schools.
2. Discuss the arguments for and against mixed schools.
Discuss the arguments for and against mixed schools
STEP 1: Carrying Out a CLD Analysis
C- Content (subject) L- Limiting Words D- Direction Words
Mixed schools
Limiting Words:
Limiting subject 1 – Arguments for
Limiting subject 2 – Arguments against
Direction Word:
Step 3:
“What are the advantages and disadvantages of mixed schools?”
Step 4: Brain Storming
Advantages of Mix Schools:
Promotes the doing away of traditional gender-stereotype towards individuals of opposite gender.
The social development of students to get along in mixed-sex workplace and even in the society occurs.
The sexist attitudes of boys are changed.
Provides the opportunity to understand the behaviour pattern of individuals of the opposite gender and may support the success of the student later after schooling days.
Removal of the traditional ideology of male superiority.
Mix schools promote gender equality.
Disadvantages of Mix Schools:
Promotes a sub culture less based on academics.
Females are burdened with the pressure of outshining male students.
Promotes types of sex-biased student teacher interaction.
Does not allow great sensitivity to sex and gender differences ways of learning.
Increased sexual distraction in classrooms.
Reduced safety from harassment and sexually predatory behaviour especially for the female students.
Increased sexual experimentation.