Industrialization first began with the agricultural revolution, which was basically landowners buying small farms and getting a huge profit. With the agricultural revolution, also came crop rotation. Crop rotation allowed farmers to use soil for not just one type of nutrient. This improved farming methods and also made some inventions. Jethro Tull invented two major contributions to the revolution: the seed drill and horse hoe. As a result of the big improvements in agriculture the population grew, and production went from farms to factories.
To start off, the Industrial Revolution was the changes in the economy and society by new manufacturing in England that began around 1760 and ended in the 1820s. Industrialization began in Britain because they had so many natural resources like, sea ports, iron, and coal. They had enough money to invest in this kind of production. Lastly, they had many entrepreneurs that weren’t …show more content…
afraid of failure.
Some causes of Industrialization were the high demand for textiles and other mass- produced goods. The strong, stable government that was able to pay for and guide the revolution. Improved technology like, James Watt’s steam engine and the smelting of iron with coal could be used as an energy source. The biggest cause was probably the great population boom which was caused by the agricultural production and displaced peasants. This led to the migration to the cities, creating a work force for factories.
There were some major effects that happened due to the many changes after the Industrial Revolution.
One would be urbanization, the building up of cities. Which would’ve been a good thing, but it ended with overpopulation and unsanitary living conditions. Laissez faire policies resulted in no laws of restriction for businesses. Which meant that business owners didn’t care about the safety of their workers, they cared about the profit going into their pockets. There were no health laws, women and children were used, and the wages were next to nothing. There was also the rise of reform movements like, liberalism, socialism, and Marxism. There were some good long term effects including the expansion of public education and the growth of the women’s
The Industrialization period can be connected to some things we have today. The population in the world is growing more and more by the day. We have sources of energy like, petroleum and nuclear powers. There continues to be many improvements in world health as science grows and changes. Last but not least, we have a lot of mass media and mass entertainment thanks to the Industrial Revolution.