In 300 C.E, trade was very limited and one of the only trade networks available was the Silk Road.
Its purpose was to connect Asia and Europe through the trading of spices and fabrics from China to European Merchants. There was some trade between Eurasia and Northern Africa involving spices, but Europe was not ready to focus on trade because of internal struggles. Around 800 C.E., Europe becomes ready to advance in trade and development of Islam creates new Islamic trade routes. After Europe becomes more stabilized the advancement in technology allows Europe to have more involvement in Global Trade. New technology such as the compass and map making allowed Europe to trade through the Sahara Desert, thus creating Trans-Saharan trade networks. The Gold and Salt trade resulted from this, linking the Trans- Saharan with the Mediterranean. Arab merchants traded salt for gold from Sudan using this newfound trade network. While these trade networks were improving, China, the leading country in exploration and trade, decides to stop all external
With China falling back in exploration Europe uses this chance to succeed as a dominant exploration power. The Mongols expand their power throughout Eurasia, mainly keeping control over China, Russia, and Eastern Europe. This didn’t have much of an effect on European exploration, although it did in India, causing India to not progress in exploration as much as Europe. With the development of the trade networks, technology and Mongol expansion, this gives Europe all the tools it needs to rise as a great civilization. In the beginning of 300 C.E., there was very limited trade involving African and Eurasian civilizations, with the only dominant trade network being the Silk Road. Around 800 C.E., more trade networks are being established involving the Mediterranean Sea, Trans-Saharan trade and the Indian ocean. African trade not only focused in the North, but also now centralized, including the West and South. At the end of this time period Europe is rising as a strong power compared to the other civilizations involved in the global trade. After the development of Islam, Muslim trade networks began to grow involving Mediterranean Sea trade and Indian Ocean trade. The Trans-Sahara trade network played a vital role in connecting Africa with Europe and the Mediterranean. After the spread of the Mongols interfered with India, the trade stopped being focalized with the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean became involved in the global trade network, allowing Europe to rise as a power.