Essay plan:
* Introduction 10% 150 words
Introduce the essay question – Does play support the learning and development of children from birth to six year olds?
Start by looking at how babies naturally play to learn about the world around them, looking at Smilansky’s theory.
Then move onto toddlers and their play relationship with adults, discussing Smilansky, Vygotsky, Wood, Bruner, Ross’s theories.
Discuss how play at home affects their play/learning at their Early Years setting, referencing Morris-Coole.S.
Look at the Early Years Foundation Stage and the new Children Act 2004 within the Every Child Matters framework. Then lead onto Maria …show more content…
Montessori’s theories on teaching and how children can learn through play.
Look at the Didiactic & Ludocentric approach to teaching, at how Forest Schools use outdoor play to learn and lastly how hospitals use play to help manage pain and hasten recovery.
* 11% Research 165 words
Look at how play comes naturally to babies, including mammals, how it enables them to learn about their world.
Look at Smilansky’s theories and the 5 basic forms of play.
Discuss the role parents, siblings and peers play in the child’s learning and development through play. Reference Vygotsky, Wood, Bruner and Ross’s theories. * 12% Research 180 words
Examine the relationship between play and work and what children can learn through play.
Discuss how the play environment and cultural messages at home affects the play/learning development of the child. * 10% Research 150 words
Discuss the Early Years Foundation stage and how they recognise the importance of play in learning and development and have made it apart of their statutory framework. * 11% Research 165 words
Look at Maria Montessori’s theories and briefly how this is harnessed in the Montessori curriculum. * 10% Research 150 words
Briefly look at the Didactic and Ludocentric approach. * 10% Research 150 …show more content…
Explore how Forest Schools have harnessed learning through outdoor play. * 11% Research 165 words
Discuss how hospitals use play to maintain the emotional well-being * 15% Conclusion
Sum up the main theories of Smilansky, Vygotsky, Wood, Bruner, Ross and Montessori.
Draw the conclusion that learning and developing through play comes naturally to birth to six year olds, as long as they have the right environment and support.
State why this is significant – play provides a natural way for children to learn and forms the foundations for learning and development for the rest of their lives. * Bibliography
Essay introduction:
Does play support the learning and development of children from birth to six year olds?
To answer this question we will need to look at how children play, starting with babies moving to toddlers and then older children at preschool.
When examining how babies play we will discuss Smilansky’s theories on how babies use play to learn.
We will look at the roles adults, siblings and peers play in this development, discussing Vygotsky, Wood, Bruner and Ross’s theories. We will consider how this play environment at home affects their schooling at their Early Years setting and Preschools and briefly review the Early Years Foundation Stage requirements. This will lead us on to Maria Montessori’s theories and how this applies to the Montessori curriculum. We will discuss the Didiactic and Ludocentric approach to teaching, at how Forest Schools use outdoor play to learn and lastly how hospitals use play to help manage pain and hasten
3 key quotes:
* “By bringing together materials which unite work and play Dr Montessori was able to mobilize the child’s personal motivation for engagement in social adaption” (Elkind, D, 2009, p 12). * “By playing, children learn and develop as individuals, and as members of the community” (Macleod-Brudnell, I. & Kay, J. 2008, p 192). * “From babyhood children use play to promote their own learning; they do not have to be persuaded into playing” (Lindon, J, 2002).
* Elkind, D. (2009) Learning from Play Montessori International (Issue 91), pp 12 -13 * Liindon, J. (2002), What is Play? [online], available from: * Macleod-Brudnell, I. & Kay, J. (2008, 2nd Ed) Advanced Early Years for Foundation Degrees & Level 4/5 Harlow: Heinemann * Morris-Coole, S. (2009) The Serious Business of Play Montessori International, pp 44