The term Media' could today be defined as a collective term for television, radio, cinema and the press. The media are nowadays often discussed as a single entity, because of their combined importance as providers of entertainment and information, their presumed power to mould public opinion and set standards and the growth of cross-ownership among the various sectors. The word was however, originally derived from (i.e. is the plural of) the word medium', which suggested a medium for the transfer of information. Media are channels through which information is transmitted or through which communication takes place.
In a similar way, Information Technology' could be described as a term commonly used to cover the range of technologies relevant to the transfer of information, in particular to computers, digital electronics and telecommunications.
So, in relation the brief descriptions outlined above, it's possible to say that there is already a certain connection between the two terms in that they are both involved in the transfer of information to some extent. However, this is a very broad description and so, for the purpose of this discussion, specified aspects of Media and Information Technology will be examined in order to discover any less tenuous relationships and any pros and cons discussed.
The past 18 months has seen an explosion of innovation relating the internet to the more traditional media. Technology such as the E-Book, Internet Television, Internet Radio coupled with the fact that so many printed magazines, newspapers and journals now also have a presence on-line has shown that the trend seems to be for convergence. Media and Information Technology have entered an era where technological changes are removing many of the distinctions between telecommunications, broadcasting and IT. Consumers can watch television programmes on their computers, send emails from their
References: 1. Stone, Andrew. Great E-xpectations, The Times, 2nd October 2000 2. Ibid 3. Breitzer, Frith. Judging E-books by their covers., July 2000 4. O 'Leary, Mick. Reworks free E-book Model, Information Today, October 2000 5. Keegan, Victor. Online: Second Sight, The Guardian, 3rd August 2000 6. Wakefield, Jane. King of Interactive TV? It 's Britain. ZDNet(UK), October 2000 7. Trefgarne, George. TV and Internet will converge, The Daily Telegraph, 26th August 2000 8. Grimes, Christopher and Hargreaves, Deborah. AOL and TW face set-top box demands, Financial Times, 11th September 2000 Word Count: 2256