Discuss the role of the ICT (Information Communication Technology) in implementing the E Government in Zimbabwe.
Our country is experiencing a new industrial and technological revolution which is bringing about a significant, fast and extensive transformation of society and industry. The result of this revolution is that there is now a rapid increase in the processes of production and the transmission of goods and services produced. The ICT revolution is also encouraging new goods and services, changing the nature and organisation of work, replacing materials, resources, energy and land with information and knowledge as the principal factors of production. HISTORY OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT) AND E-GOEVRNEMENT The history of Information Communication Technology (ICT) in general and e-government in particular in Zimbabwe, can be traced back to 1972 with the institution of the Central Computing Services (CCS), which was aimed at providing ICT services to the public service. This was then followed with the adoption of the Integrated Results Based Management (IRBM) System in 2005, in which the e-government is an integral component and one of the three important body of the main pillars or cornerstones of the system. Thereafter, following the advent of the Inclusive Government under the Global Political Agreement, a fully fledged Ministry of Information Communication Technology was established with the mandate of promoting the use of ICTs to enhance national competitiveness and socio-economic growth. The development of ICTs is very rapid and this has become very vital in many companies and sectors of Zimbabwe. The National Information Communication Technology (NICT) was launched in 2005. It was mentioned that it is against the background of ICT that the Ministry of Information Communication Technology will be conducting consultative workshops on the review of National ICT policy framework in all provinces of Zimbabwe as