Ferdinand Magellan: Portuguese explorer who was the first person to sail across the Pacific Ocean and to circumnavigate the globe. Sailing under a Spanish commission, he attempted to reach the Spice Islands. After crossing the Pacific, Magellan was killed battling natives in the Philippines but two of his ships returned to Spain.…
Cabeza, a veteran conquistador is part of a failed journey that was meant to find areas on the Gulf of Mexico to settle and to find mythical structures, these are the reason why he survived to tell the tale. Cabeza being a veteran conquistador has built a knowledge in survival. Cabeza also knows several languages, allowing him to communicate with ease. Cabeza also has knowledge in the medical field, making him a valuable asset. Overall, Cabeza was able to survive because he had survival skills, he knew several languages, and he had medical skills.…
Ferdinand Magellan was a Portuguese explorer who started his voyage in Spain and was the first explorer to circumnavigate, meaning to travel all the around the world. He was killed on April 27, 1521 by the natives on the island of Cebu in the Philippines while many of his own men stayed on the boat despite knowing their captain was in trouble. The question being asked was whether or not this captain was worth defending. This question could be answered either way but in this essay we are going to argue that Magellan was not worth defending. Ferdinand Magellan was not worth defending because he was unorganized, he forced and threatened natives in the Philippines to convert to his religion of Catholicism and lastly, he was bossy and could care less about the crewmembers needs.…
The most delicious drink was found by Christopher Columbus, but it became popular because of a Spanish Conquistador named, Hernandez Cortez. What is this drink, you ask? No, it is not coffee. It is hot chocolate. In this paper, I will tell you how hot chocolate came to be today and why you need to thank Hernandez Cortez. I will also tell you how it’s different from history.…
Bartolome de Las Casas gives another example of the real situation that is true in Indies. A king named Behechio and his sister Anacona make great services to Christians and they are beneficted from these deeply as they avoid innumerable dangers and remain alive. However, Christians come back to the island with a cavalry force behind. The native people were shut in a house and burned alive. Moreover, the helpful sister was hanged as a apecial "honor" in return.…
While many view the Scope’s Trial as merely a debate between creationists and evolutionists, it is far more complex than that. It has helped to reinforce stereotypes of both sides, shape how man is viewed, and led to a number of alterations in social and educational spheres. After the Butler Act was passed, the UCLA attempted to recruit teachers to take it to court in the hopes they would finally get their big break. A few citizens in Dayton Tennessee saw an advertisement in a newspaper and decided it would be a good way to gain some publicity for the small town. They asked all of the local Biology teachers, but could not find anyone willing to go to court. Then, they found John Scopes. John Scopes was a football coach who taught general science, who just happened to have filled in for a biology teacher for two weeks. They were able to convince him to go to court, and thus Dayton was put on the map.…
The French, Spanish, and English all tried to colonize the Western Hemisphere. The French colonization in America started in the 16th century, and continued through centuries as France created an empire in the Western Hemisphere. They founded most colonies in the east of the U.S.A, and many Caribbean islands. The English were one of the most important colonizers of the Americas, and had a rivalry with the Spanish. The English began colonizing in the late 16th century and came out on top when all their colonies were built through America. The Spanish conquered most of the Western Hemisphere, and their colonization attempts were started by the Spanish conquistadors. It all started with Christopher…
The Spice Islands and by doing so he proved the world was round. Magellan was…
Colonization in Latin America had a major effect on the native people because of the Triangle Trade.When the Europeans took over the Americas, they also took over Africa and brought the Africans over though the Triangle Trade and forced the Africans to gather all of The gold that the Americans had because the Europeans wanted to get the gold the easy way, they didn't want to to all the work so the Europeans made the Africans do it. The Triangle Trade took place during the 18th century (Doc 2). The evidence from the picture and the quote show that the Spanish killed and destroyed a lot of people. Spanish forced the natives to do all their work while killing them at the same time. Colonization in Latin America had a major effect for those reasons.…
* Christopher COLUMBUS explored and claimed the island on his first voyage in 1492; it became a springboard for Spanish conquest of the Caribbean and the American mainland.…
San Juan Bautista was founded on June 24, 1797 by father Fermin Lasuen. It was named after john the Baptist. It is located 17 miles north of the city of Salinas in the town of San Juan Bautista, 4 miles off U.S. highway 101. The church was destroyed in an earthquake in 1803. The people were sad. They were sad because they had a plan to make it better. Father Arroyo was the first person to make a dictionary for native Americans. It was painted by Thomas Doak. He was a sailor from Boston. He jumped off the ship in Monterey.…
1) Analyze the extent to which the Spanish-American War was a turning point in American foreign Policy?…
Central Idea: Missionaries are people who voluntarily go to a foreign country and spread the Gospel…
Colonialism from the conquests shaped global trade and aspects of the modern world in many different ways. When Spaniards invaded the lands of the Aztec and Inca, they destroyed their whole way of life. After the fall of these empires, the conquistadors took over the people and forced them into slavery. Spain and Portugal expanded their power through global trade by using the resources of Latin America. This essay will explain the aspects of colonialism, the rise of global trade, and its affects on the modern world.…
The countries that led most of the exploration of South and Central America were Spain and Portugal. They have introduced many changes to the new conquered territory. It all begins with the search for better access to new routes of trade with Asia. At the European explorations, countries like Spain and Portugal were the pioneers in the discovery and conquest of new lands. Portugal and Spain during their voyages accidentally came upon the western hemisphere; then soon started to exploit the new land such as their natural resources. Also the discovery of new lands was seen as the expansion of their monarchical powers. The discovery and conquest of new lands brought many changes to Europe and the colonized territory.…