And I want to response by type 2
Quotation: “I told you - he was Mexican.”
Response: This is a dialogue between Delaney and Kyra when he calls her to tell her that he hit a man by his car. It is still at the beginning chapter of the book, when Delaney is still confident in his democratic values, and yet this quotation indicates that a clear prejudice against Mexicans such as Cándido. It is an early insight into Delaney's character, which shows that he does not really believe the ideals of equality which he claims to hold on. The man he hit by his car was a Mexican - thus, there was no need to worry about being sued, and thus, no need to be concerned with trying to find the man and to get him medical treatment, despite the fact that he is clearly seriously wounded. Finally, Delaney considers that twenty dollars made the problem go away - there is nothing more to worry about.
This quotation is a simple sample of the Racism, which is fairly obvious yet undoubtedly important theme in the novel. Due to Racism, which against Mexicans and against immigrants in general is not hard to find in this book- from the very beginning of the story, Jack Jardine, Jack Cherrystone, and Jim Shirley preach the dangers of having immigrants, legal or not, in the United States, and they do not bother to hide their opinions that, while the borders are so loosely regulated, personal safety will be a major issue. Furthermore, I consider that these characters can be seen as the voices of the white middle class population, and their opinions and actions towards immigrants (ex: the shutting down of the labor exchange, the building of the wall around Arroyo Blanco, etc.) are consistent throughout.