Asking for opinion
What do you think about this problem?
Do you have any ideas/thoughts about this?
How do you see this problem?
Is this a serious problem?
What are your thoughts on this?
Giving opinion
I think ../ feel
In my opinion, this is …
To me,
As far as I’m concerned,..
In my point of view..
I strongly feel/think that..
I believe that …
I agree with Ali.
I support your idea.
I think you’re right.
I think so.
I share the same view.
I totally agree with you.
I can’t agree with you more.
Of course!
I don’t agree. (NOT – I’m not agree)
I disagree with Abu.
I don’t think so.
I see it differently.
I don’t see it that way.
You’re wrong.
That’s unacceptable.
That’s ridiculous.
Too strong
Asking for suggestions
Opening a meeting (by Chairperson)
Signal start of meeting
Greet and welcome / introduce members
Explain background of meeting
Give purpose of meeting
Ask for contribution/ideas
Brainstorm – get together in a group to generate as many ideas as possible Shortlist good ideas – evaluate Choose the best one
Participating in meeting
Prepare thoroughly – do research
Know objective
Speak clearly, don’t mumble
Listen to others, allow others to speak
Admit if you’re wrong
Chairing the meeting
Open the meeting
State purpose
Refer to agenda – list of things to discuss
Encourage participation
Discourage those who dominate discussion
Keep discussion relevant
Close the meeting – Summary of discussion –key ideas and action
Path to being an effective leader
1. Introduce participants
2. State purpose
3. Follow agenda
4. Encourage participation
5. Close discussion
6. Thank members
Path to being effective member
1. Be prepared with data/ideas/evidence
2. Make contribution
3. Be open-minded
4. Pay attention- Listen attentively
5. Refer to other members by name
Important phrases