1. DESIGN THE COVER OF YOUR AUTOBIOGRAPHY: Imagine you are in the process of writing your autobiography. Design the cover, include an image of yourself, the title, subtitle, and write a 200 word (or less) summary of the book.
2. CREATIVITY POEM: Write a poem consisting of four poetic lines on any aspect of creativity. Last semester the theme was fear of creativity, and below is one of the submissions (author shall remain anonymous):
I wanted to write a line
What kept me was the fear that people would know it was mine and their laughter is all I would hear!
BlackBoard): Rate yourself on each of the items listed. Identify and reflect on the top five issues that you would like to improve upon in future. …show more content…
JOHN CLEESE ON CREATIVITY (video): What are your main takeaways from this video, and why?
5. SPACE TIME OASIS: What does your ideal personal space time oasis look like (at home)? What are the potential pitfalls to successfully implement your personal space time oasis? What are some good principles for constructing one in the workplace?
6. DEWITT JONES ON CREATIVITY (video): What are your main takeaways from this video, and why?
7. THINKING STYLES: Are you predominantly a left- or right brain thinker? How do you know this? How does your dominant thinking style help or hinder you in your daily life?
What are your plans for developing your thinking style in a certain area, if any?
8. MYERS BRIGGS PERSONALITY TYPE: What is your type, and how does knowledge of this help you when it comes to things creative?
9. CONNECTING THE DOTS: Briefly reflect on the last time you connected a couple or more dots. In hindsight, what were the underlying factors that made it possible to