This question is difficult to answer for me because I have been in and out of the program for various reasons over a number of years and originally began the program in 2007 right after I got out of the Navy, so I failed to pay much attention to the health care industry at the time to be honest. At the time I was going through some personal struggles that over road all my other trains of thoughts because they affected my life so insanely. In 2006 my medication prices doubled without insurance. Thank God that Publix started giving certain antibiotics out for free with prescriptions during the cold season. They were working on a plan in legislature to make medicine easier to afford. Frencher (2006), “The Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act (MMA) provides universally available prescription drug benefits to elderly and disabled Medicare beneficiaries for the first time” (para. 1).
I remember there being a huge boost begging for nurses, doctors, and others to join schools and aid the healthcare industry because of patients being affected by the huge staff shortage. Healthcare has always been an issue, but I do not think it got enough media attention to notice until 2009 when the economy started to tank. Many people were losing their jobs and couldn’t pay their bills to live off of, much less pay their medical expenses to generate enough overhead revenue to keep the healthcare industry from not needing to reform to stay alive. My employer cut back on all our insurance options and opted for a PPO program which put more cost on the employee with bigger deductibles to boot.
Reference Page Entry
Frencher, S.K. (2006). Retrieved from