community does reflect the absence of fathers.
Without love and parental guidance (a total of mom and dad), a black child starts
off without a childhood. They are made to struggle and survive in a world that has no
forgiveness or love, because society hasn’t counted them as viable. Black youth
become wary and doubt any kind of kindness or intervention for success. In addition,
without the focus for academic achievement that parents can supply, black children fall
into a void of academia suicide. That is tantamount to doom for the black community.
Number one, the black community, inherently fosters the notion , that scholastic
failure is a viable option for black youth. Inner city schools, routinely accept the fact that
so many students will not graduate and or succeed.
Number two, countless black teenage men, do not accept financial nor parental
responsibility because they themselves have lacked a successful loving and paternal
influence in their lives. Their male role models are often , from angry rap artists and
street gangs. Their fathers are often serving time in prison or have already.
Number three, our government rewards bad behavior and pays misguided black
teenage girls to procreate without conscience. Their children are immediately thrusted
into a social system of dependance on government for housing, medical assistance and
Bill Cosby, several years ago, wanting to change the black communities failures ,
cited the absence of fathers in black childrens’ lives causes such deplorable sadness for
the black race. In turn, his constructive criticism was turned around by the black media,
as that his words were coming from an “Uncle Tom”. Al Sharpton had mixed feelings
about Bill Cosby’s remarks. Mr. Sharpton said that “we shouldn’t relive the general
community of what they’ve done to out community.”(???)
To break a cycle that routinely teaches dependance on government for survival,
and the absence of fathers, the black community must ban together to solve this epic
problem plaguing generations, and their communities.