Being out in the middle of the ocean on a “magical” cruise ship is my definition of perfection. Disney World is known to be the most magical place in this world but that also holds true with the Disney Cruise Line. I have personally been on five cruises, and all have been with Disney, and I have never enjoyed myself more than being on those boats. Disney Cruise Line has a total of four ships and each have their own distinctive design, with beautiful gold swirls on the sides. Disney Magic, Disney Wonder, Disney Dream, and the Disney Fantasy were all created specifically with families in mind. There is no other cruise line I would rather be on than the Disney. Over the years, many things have changed about a cruise, but I have never had a bad experience. Each trip on a Disney cruise ship has been an …show more content…
As soon as we walk on, one of the crew members asked our last name, and then through a microphone they say, “Welcome aboard Holcomb family!” It is then when the excitement inside me wants to come streaming down my face in the form of tears, but it only gets better from there. Tall beautiful paintings, clear glass elevators that stretched from floor to ceiling, and a Mickey Mouse statue is the first thing to see on the ship. The fresh smell of newly cut flowers filled my nostrils as I walked by. Everywhere I seemed to look all I would see were the animated faces of fellow passengers waiting to embark on a journey so great that it made a five star resort look bad. Like the thrill of a five year old when they get a new toy, I immediately ran up to my stateroom to check it out. I inserted my card and opened a door to freedom. The smell of recently washed sheets caught my attention as I walked in the stateroom. Shocked with amazement, my eyes quickly wondered to the towel animal awaiting, and Disney chocolates for the whole family that lay on the