In the original story of Cinderella “the sisters struggle to squeeze their feet into the golden (not glass) slipper.”(Berman) The sisters gruesomely cut parts off of their feet in an attempt to get their feet into the slipper, which is something you would never even imagine seeing in a Disney movie. Some might say that it was for the best that the tales were changed from their original forms into something more childish. However in reality they were sending a much better message.“In the Grimms’ world, evil may rule, but their is also the utopian promise that with a sense of right and wrong, plus some magic, one might be able to live happily ever after.”
In the original story of Cinderella “the sisters struggle to squeeze their feet into the golden (not glass) slipper.”(Berman) The sisters gruesomely cut parts off of their feet in an attempt to get their feet into the slipper, which is something you would never even imagine seeing in a Disney movie. Some might say that it was for the best that the tales were changed from their original forms into something more childish. However in reality they were sending a much better message.“In the Grimms’ world, evil may rule, but their is also the utopian promise that with a sense of right and wrong, plus some magic, one might be able to live happily ever after.”