Shontay Manigault
Linda Fisher-Lewis
October 11, 2014
Disparity and Discrimination
Within the criminal justice system there are various situation that take place. Nevertheless, the ones that are actually used include court procedures and law administration. Circumstances that will be deliberated on within this paper are disparity situations and discrimination situations. Depending on the situation, disparity can result in discrimination. Further included will be definitions, examples and comparing as well as contrasting of discrimination and disparity.
The two factors referred to as legal and extralegal are the factors in which disparity consist of. These factors doesn’t essentially mean discrimination. Provided by the lawful factor are valid explanations for the judgments made on the person’s unlawful behavior and felonious record. An example of this would be once an individual is in court and the judge is determining the sentence or how much time that the person will have to serve based on the crime which could be murder, burglary, rape, etc. Another example would be an individual being arrested for breaking and entering or burglary based on their past unlawful history, and the fact that they were in the area where the crime took place at the time that it took place. Other than these reasons, there’s no other evidence that this person committed the crime.
In addition, lifestyle, gender, nationality, and class status, are included in the extralegal factor. These factors are not valid reasons to base decisions on. For example when an individual’s guilt, innocence, and the time that they will have to serve if any is determined on the individual looks as well as the population or their community and the class of the community that they live in. “The CERD report found “stark racial disparities” in the criminal justice system and “wide racial disparities in the areas of human rights violations,
References: Mathis, Greg. (2007, Aug2- Aug 8). Justice system is criminal and it’s time for a change. Tri – State Defender. Memphis, Tenn. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2014 from database Toensing, Gale Courey. (2008, Mar 26). US government blasted for extensive racial discrimination. Indian Country Today. Oneida, N. Y. Retrieved Oct. 11, 2014 from database