References: Banerjee, M. (1997). Hidden emotions: Preschoolers’ knowledge of appearance-reality and emotion display rules. Social Cognition, 15, 107-132. Banerjee, R., & Yuill, N. (1999). Children’s understanding of self-presentational display rules: Associations with mental state understanding. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 111-124. Cole, P. (1986). Children’s spontaneous control of facial expression. Child Development, 57, 1309–1321. Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. (1975). Unmasking the face. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Gnepp, J., & Hess, D. L. R. (1986). Children 's understanding of display rules for expressive behavior. Developmental Psychology, 22, 103— 108. Josephs, I. E. (1994). Display rule behavior and understanding in preschool children. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 18, 301-326. Ruud Zaalberg , Antony Manstead & Agneta Fischer (2004). Relations between emotions, display rules, social motives, and facial behaviour. Cognition & Emotion, 18:2, 183-207. Zeman, J., & Shipman, K. (1996). Children’s expression of negative affect: Reasons and methods. Developmental Psychology, 32, 842–849.
References: Banerjee, M. (1997). Hidden emotions: Preschoolers’ knowledge of appearance-reality and emotion display rules. Social Cognition, 15, 107-132. Banerjee, R., & Yuill, N. (1999). Children’s understanding of self-presentational display rules: Associations with mental state understanding. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17, 111-124. Cole, P. (1986). Children’s spontaneous control of facial expression. Child Development, 57, 1309–1321. Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. (1975). Unmasking the face. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. Gnepp, J., & Hess, D. L. R. (1986). Children 's understanding of display rules for expressive behavior. Developmental Psychology, 22, 103— 108. Josephs, I. E. (1994). Display rule behavior and understanding in preschool children. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, 18, 301-326. Ruud Zaalberg , Antony Manstead & Agneta Fischer (2004). Relations between emotions, display rules, social motives, and facial behaviour. Cognition & Emotion, 18:2, 183-207. Zeman, J., & Shipman, K. (1996). Children’s expression of negative affect: Reasons and methods. Developmental Psychology, 32, 842–849.