Appraisal is the process of distinguishing records of continuing value, the record with no further value may be eliminated. Appraisal supports records management because, when carried out successfully, it will maintains the efficiency of departmental records management systems by limiting their contents to those records which are continuing value for business and archival purposes. Beside of to ensure that record has archival value is identified so that provision can be made for their preservation. Decisions about specific records are preceded by analysis of all records related to the organization and their function. This initial process will involve more collective effort for business and archival purposes, enlisting the expertise of The National Archives client managers, reviewers, and past and present business users. Appraisal in a paper-based archive traditionally takes place once a record is no longer current, but determination of how long a record should be retained can take place before creation for some kinds of records. Examples of records often selected for permanent preservation prior to creation include the minutes of an organization’s central executive or annual reports. Records chosen for non clear preservation are usually selected on the basis of long-term historical significance. Records may also be selected for medium to long-term preservation for business purposes or to fulfil legal requirements.
Objectives of Records Appraisal
Records appraisal builds on what has been accomplished during the inventory. The records inventory provides you with significant facts about the records of the agency. Ideally, the information collected will be comprehensive and will meet the needs of all aspects of your program.
However, the time and effort spent on the inventory will not accomplish the agency's records management goals unless the development of the records retention