I personally do not respect either candidate because of their arrogance and ignorance, but despite my disposition, I have respect for the office. The Presidency of the United States is the most esteemed position in the world, and it deserves respect from everyone. Despite using only examples of governmental authority thus far, there are many types of authority. Anyone who has dominance over me in some aspect of my life are my authority: government, church officials, education administrators, and parents. As a Christian, God has authority over me and every other authority. I also find authority in the Bible since it is inspired by God and given by God as a means of teaching and reproof (2 Timothy 3:16). The topic of authority ties with our first journal entry about how faith and intellect intertwine, in that intellect is the ground which we build our faith on. When we get “too smart” for God though, that is when we start to put greater authority on ourselves than in
I personally do not respect either candidate because of their arrogance and ignorance, but despite my disposition, I have respect for the office. The Presidency of the United States is the most esteemed position in the world, and it deserves respect from everyone. Despite using only examples of governmental authority thus far, there are many types of authority. Anyone who has dominance over me in some aspect of my life are my authority: government, church officials, education administrators, and parents. As a Christian, God has authority over me and every other authority. I also find authority in the Bible since it is inspired by God and given by God as a means of teaching and reproof (2 Timothy 3:16). The topic of authority ties with our first journal entry about how faith and intellect intertwine, in that intellect is the ground which we build our faith on. When we get “too smart” for God though, that is when we start to put greater authority on ourselves than in